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Karma strikes at the man excitedly with a shit eating grin on his face. "Nice try kid but as far as weapons go this won't work" the guy sighed and broke it with his hand. "I guess I'll have to do without" he shrugged

The continued between the teen and adult. "What's wrong Y/N? You look especially worried" Kayano said. "Are you scared hes gonna loose?"

"No...its not that" Y/N frowned. She thought back to the lie. She couldn't stand looking at him. The guilt was eating her. "Karma's always reckless..to reckless. Most of the time his violence doesn't matter to me...but sometimes he gets himself into fights way to dangerous. I'm just scared he'll actually hurt himself" she mumbled.

"Ah I see..." Kayano nodded as they watched the fight. "Kayano" Y/N said  "yeah?" The green haired girl replied. "Say you lied to someone and it was a very bad lie! How do you tell the truth?" She asked. Kayano thought for a minute. "Approach the person and just straight up tell them. That's what I would do" Kayano said. Y/N nodded and looked down.

The fight suddenly stopped. "Hm?! What's the problem. The basic mounevers not gonna win this you have to go in for an attack" the man said "oh you dont say...and what if all I've been trying to do is keep you occupied. I mean my girlfriend and buddies are trying to sneak by so what if I'm just being clever?" Karma asked. "Ah relax I'm pretty double handed on the best of days but this is a fight I wanna win fair and square"

Karma cracked his knuckles and got into a fighting stance. "No tricks. No cheating. No holding back. Just you and me fighting fair and square" Karma said. "Be my quest punk. See this is what I've been talking about! To equals fighting. A real battle to the death hot shot. Might take your girlfriend to my boss as a prize" the man smirked. "Like hell"

As the fight went on and the class watched scared the man suddenly gassed him. "Say goodnight you little punk"

"Karma!" Y/N gasped and tried to run to him. Nagisa grabbed her arm and shook his head. "You son of a bitch! He wanted to fight you like a man and this is how you respond?!" Yoshida yelled. "Come on this ain't a place for this kid. Get over it hun. I'm an assassin. Hun if you got a can of gas use it if he was all that he would've-"

"Guess great mind think alike! Now what was that about me being all that? Also anyone who even thinks about laying a finger on my girlfriend is dead" karma grinned taking the napkin out of his mouth.

"How-did...you- I-I sprayed-you..y-you shou-ld by paralyzed!" The man grunted and tried to strike Karma with a knife. He grabbed his arm and knocked him to the ground. "Come on Terusaka what are ya waiting for?! I'm gonna need duck tape and every free hand weve got to hold this crazy bastard down!"

The boys all doggy piled him. After he was tied up karma looked down at him prideful. "Handy right? Took it from the gas weirdo we ran into earlier. Still disappointing it's a one time use kinda deal" Karma sighed leaning against the wall. As the conversation went on between the two Y/N looked at karma and sighed. Hes always protecting her. Since they first met. He has always protected her.
She smiled and looked down.

"Hun heads off to you. It was a pleasure to fight you-" "oh we're not done"


"No we're just getting started!" Karma smiled holding up mustard and wasabi. "What in the hell are those supposed to be?" The man asked. "Mustard and wasabi! You never know when your gonna need em to shove up a nose! Why I have my lovely girlfriend carry em around" karma smiled.
"Y/N baby you have some in your pocket right?"

"Mm" she nodded with a smile. "And some hair clips to! I can do his hair right?"

He set a hand on her head. "I dont see why not"

"Part of leaving my guard up meant I had to play nice but now your all tied up I can let loose! If you didnt know I consider this kinda thing a date so try to shut up and let her do your hair" karma grinned as Y/N happily brushed out the man's hair. "You'll wanna hold still or that special clip is gonna rip your nostrils off" karma chuckled. "Let's see you've got pepers, hatch chilis, ghost peppers. Those are a kick in the balls am I right? Well hun whatcha think? Still wanna take my girlfriend to your boss? Show us that will power"

"Hahh! These pig tails look so cute! Maybe I can braid them! Here I got these bunny clips from the store! Oou! Lool these ones have pink butterflies and these ones have cats! And these ones have hearts!" Y/N smiled and put the clips in his head.

"So uh...I notched karma's still a sadist. If you think about it guess they make a pretty good power couple" Nagisa sweat dropped. "Can we keep moving please?! Someone will spot us!" Terusaka gritted. "Cause you'll stick out like a sore thumb" karma shrugged. "HA! HA!"

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