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Y/N pov

Our finger were intertwined as we walked to school. I wonder where they will sent us. I really want pocky right now however it sounds good.
I tugged on karmas uniform sleeve trying to get his attention. He responded with a "hm?" As he looked down at me.

"Do you have pocky on you?" I asked. He smiled and pulled some out of his pocket and handed it to me. "THANK YOU I LOVE YOU!" I squealed as I opend up the box. "Love you to wifey" he smiled. That's like his nick name for me. He calls me wifey. I munched on one as he held my hand again.

"Remember Karma no talking back k?" I sternly said. "Your cute to think I wouldnt" he said and leaned down to my level kissing my forehead. I gave him my pouty lip but he just kissed me.

We made to the principal's office and made our way to those weird yet scary black couches. Karma sat down but pulled me onto his lap. "Mr. Akabane and Mrs.L/N good to see you both back." The principal said out of no where.

"Jesus your creepy.."I quietly mumbled. Karma laughed and tightened his grip on me "ahem...anyways...you guys have seen the moon correct?" The principal said.  "Yea it's a weird shape thing now right?"I asked.

"Correct mrs.Y/N...we know who was responsible for this and happens to be teaching E-Class for a reason we do not know off...come this march when you graduate the same thing will be done to the earth if we dont kill him, that said everyone is E-Class is being trained and trying to assassinate him at this very moment so you two...because of your violent behavior will be placed in E-Class to try and kill your teacher before march" he said and handed us these green knifes

It was bendy and squishy and the gun had these pink bullets. "Can these even kill him?"karma asked. "It was designed to injure him in particular and not humans and the gun is filled with bb's starting tomorrow your suspension will be over and you'll be attending E-Class to kill this monster... fair warning his speed his remarkable it is up to mach 20 also this information is also top secret so if you share it with anyone else you will be wiped of memory and expelled understood?" Principal dude said

"He's as good as dead" karma smirked and stood up with me. "Bye mr.Principal guy!" I said as we walked out.

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