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The E-Class was finishing up P.E. nagisa went over to the stairs and then a shadow stood over him. "Nagisa sup, it's been a while" he heard. The red head stood above him strawberry milk in hand "Karma your back?"nagisa said in surprise. "Hm" he replied. "Wait where-" he was cut off

"Oh hey that must be the notorious koro sensei" karma beamed. Where is she there always together?! Nagisa thought to himself "wow he really does look like an octopus" karma said. "Ah Mr.Akabane, correct? I understand your suspension ends today, welcome back that said tardiness is a no no." Koro sensei said. Karam laughed. "Its kinda tricky getting back into the swing of thing and also feel free to call me by my first name." He said.

"Anyways I heard some good things teach please to meet cha" karam said offering his hand. "The pleasure all mine should be a fun and educational year" koro sensei said shaking karmas hand. Suddenly his hand blew up. Karma pulled a knife out of his sleeve and striked at him.

Kori sensei used his mach 20 speed to step back then suddenly. Someone jumped down from a tree slicing another tentacle off him. "Wow you are fast aren't ya" karma chuckled.
Y/N walked to karam and stood beside him. "And who to thought these knifes would work" karam commentd. The whole class looked at the two surprised

"She just cut them up into strips and decked em' on" karam said ruffling.
Y/N's hair. "Pretty elementary stuff chief, I'm disappointed that's all it took to catch you off guard" karma nonchalantly said. "But good jump you did great!" Y/N cheered. "But...if you dont mind coming off as a Frady cat..what are you scared of me?" Karam said walking towards him.

"They hurt him..they actually hurt him! That makes them the first!" Nagisa thought. "I heard they call you koro sensei since your supposed to be un killable" karam smirked now standing in front of him. "Oh come on no way you can be this big of a push over" karam said leaning down.

Koro sensei was red with anger. "Hey Nagisa what kinda people are Y/N and Karma anyway" kayano asked. "Uh we were in the same class first and second year.Y/N moved here in the middle of first year and they totally hit off and have been dating for about 2 or 3 years. There complete opposite tho. Karmas violent so violent they finally expelled him and shipped him here.Y/N on the other hand is sweet and quiet. But it works. I dont know why shes here tho. E-Class is where they sent you when they dont know what else to do with you. Thing is under the circumstances they may end up as star student" Nagisa said

"Huh what do you mean?" Kayano asked. "Wepons and blood are his passion and Stuff animals and candy are Y/Ns however she can be dangerous and scary when she wants there the perfect duo, trust me if anyone can kill our teacher its karma and Y/N" Nagisa finished off. Karma Intertwined his and Y/N's hands and started to walk away while karma played with a knife. The class just watched in awe

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