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"Nagisa you dont usually round us all up. What's up?" Sugino spoke.

Nagisa looked at the ground and sighed. "Well...I'm not even sure if its possible but..." he began. "But instead of killing Koro sensei..I think we should try and save him"

Y/Ns eyes widned and she gripped her skirt. Save him...?

"Save him? Like trying to keep him from self defenating on March or what?" Kimura asked. "Where do we start?" Okano asked. "Well I dont know...yet!" Nagisa sighed. "Totally I'm game!" Kurahashi smiled. "Koro sensei's way to good of a bug hunting buddy to let explode!"

"Kurahashi..." nagisa mumbled. "Thank you for bringing it up. If you hadn't said something I would've. Saving him the least we can do" kataoka sighed with a smile. "So your on board?" Nagisa said in relief.

The class nodded and smiled.

"I agree..." Y/N spoke. "I've got my memories back and I can remember dad from when he was human..I dont want to loose him! Hes way to precious to me for me to let go! I dont wanna live without dad"

"Y/N" Nagisa smiled. "You guys..."

"I really hate to be the one that spoils the mood. But I'm against it" Rio scoffed. Y/N looked at her with disbelief. "Rio...why..?" She asked.

"We're assassin's hes the target. That's our bond. Koro sensei said it himself.
I dont know about you but I cherish that bond think about it." Rio said.

"Our bond with dad has to go deeper than that! All we've been through! I dont know how you feel and frankly right now I don't care but I cherish and love the family bond I've built with Koro sensei! Blood or not hes my dad! I've known him since I was little and I dont intend to give him up" Y/N said with determined eyes looking at Rio.

Rio glared at her and opened her mouth
"Not killing him would defeat the purpose."

"Nakamura..I-" nagisa sighed.

"Your against it?"

"We get wanting to save him and all but how do we know it's even doable?" Terusaka asked. "Well-"
"You act like your the only one who's been thinking about this." Muramatsu scoffed. "Also what happens if the clock runs out on us before we find a way? Did you consider that?"

"Seriously? You want the octopus's last thought to be damn my students are a bunch of half asses" terusaka asked. "No but-we owe it to him!" Nagisa defended.

"Always the talented ones huh?" Karma spoke. Y/N turned and looked at him in question. "Figuring whatever the odd are the ends things will work out. Wow. Listen to you. Getting a tad full of yourself chief"

"Karma..." Y/N mumbled gripping onto her skirt once more. "Granted your the most gifted one of our class but seriously we should just up and scrap the whole assassination plan?
What about the under dogs? The ones who work themselves to death just the squeak by? How are we supposed to feel?! Your like a hot chick telling her ugly friends theres no point in finding a man. Course you dont have to play you've already won the game." Karma scoffed as he angrily walked towards his bestfriend and girlfriend

"That's...not what I'm trying to say...besides I'm not the gifted one..between you and me your the better assassin" nagisa muttered with a frown. "Okay hearing you talk like that just pisses me off even more. You know what your problem is Nagisa? You've got no respect for how hard this is for everyone who isnt you" Karma gritted and glared at the blue haired boy.

"Woah! Woah! Where is this coming from?! I'm just telling you how I feel!" Nagisa shouted. "Do you have an axe to grind with Koro sensei or something?! He took us to the movies! He saved Y/N! He's made learning fun!" Nagisa yelled. "That's my point! Why do you think he bothered huh?! He didn want us to end up like a bunch of whiny half asses jerks and look at you! You wanna undermine what Koro sensei has done?! Or do you have the mind and body of a ten year old?" Karma yelled.

Y/N gasped as she saw Nagisas face. Karma glared back at him and grinned. "aw..what's with that look? The itty bitty mouse wanna roar? Feel like he can take on a lion?" Karma asked while grinning at Nagisa. "No I-"

Karma began to push him back roughly. "Got something to say? Kick my ass once and you can say whatever you like. Oh come on dont be afraid let's settle this like men come on!"

Just as he was about to push him against Y/N quickly got in front of Nagisa holding her arms up and shutting her eyes.

"Stop it!" She shouted as he accidentally pushed her roughly on the shoulder and back against him. His eyes widned and he let his hand rest. "Please just try and reason with what Nagisa is saying! You both have good points but Nagisa's argument is better! Dad has done so much for us I cant let it be thrown away! I got my memories back because of him and escaped what my parents were doing! We cry together and laugh together! The moments are happy and never sad! He never makes me cry and care so much! More than a teacher should! Koro sensei is family! You at least feel that way dont you?!" She asked with pleading eyes.

Karma gritted and scoffed. "You dont know how to stay out of things do you? Or you just that big of an airhead!? Fuck it pisses me off how damn stupid you are! Seriously! Sometimes I believe you have no brain or common sense your just dumb!" Karma yelled literally red with anger.

Y/Ns eyes were widned and they welled with tears. The class watched in horror as the three fought. As soon as Nagisa saw a tear slip down her face he attacked.


Karma slowly lifted him up ready to punch him but Maehara and Isogai grabbed Karma holding him back. "Knock it off!" Maehara shouted "what the hell are you two trying to prove?!" Isogai asked as sugino held back Nagisa with no struggles. "Dammit karma! Will you chill our already?!"

Kayano held onto Y/N and sighed. Y/N just looked into the far distance with little to no emotion on her face but still calm tears running down her cheeks.

"A good old fashioned school yard fight! Outstanding! However! Your the assassination classroom! This is how we settle our differences" kori sensei spoke appearing out of no where.

Y/N came back to her senses and looked at her father.

Two buckets were placed in front of them. Red and blue pain balls. Red for kill and blue for save.

As each student began to choose their side Koro sensei watched. Everyone had chosen..except for her.

Y/N looked at the two buckets and balled her fists.

Nagisa or Karma

"This is confusing and I'm scared by what I pick will make some people precious to me hate me. But I agree with what Kayano said. No more death. I dont want to loose Koro sensei. I love him to death and want him to be my dad forever. So...I'll stick by your side..Nagisa" Y/N smiled and held the gun looking at him.

She turned and looked at Karma and sighed. "Please...dont hate me..." she chuckled and turned on her heel.

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