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"Alrighty class. This is it. The test scores are in"

Her stomach felt like an endless pit and she was ready to cry.

As all the scores were announced her friends got first in the grade and a shot at his tentacle. "And finally for ELA...First in E-class and oh! First in the entire grade Y/N L/N!" Koro sensei announced. Her eyes widned and she gripped the desk. Karma had headed outside for some reason so thank god he wouldn't see her cry.

She was crying. She gasped and touched her cheeks. "Uh-sorry!" She shouted, embarrased. "Look! You made her cry!" Kayano shouted. "So mean!" Maehara scoffed. "AH! DEAR! WHY ARE YOU CRYING!? PLEASE DON'T CRY!" Koro sensei yelled and used his mach speed bring sweets and juice.

She sniffled and wiped her face. "I didn't mean to cry! Sorry! I'm just...very happy!" She smiled. "I made my goal! I can blow off dad's tentacle and I got first in the grade for ELA! I'm staying in e-class!" She smiled happily.

The next day

As the sat in class Koro Sensei began to make everyone who had a right to blow off a tentacle...however three students aced home ech...

"Hang on teach.." karma smiled and stood up. "Wow that was just plane rude. You ask me that's just one of the most important classes."

"Hahh! You aced it?" Y/N smiled at karma. "You bet" karma smiled down at her. "Great job! I'm so proud of you!" She smiled as the class shouted at koro sensei. "And what about you? First in the grade and class for ELA" he pat her head. Her face beated up and she smiled.

I never wanna be apart from Karma...

The next day the assembly was held. Karma and Y/N of course arrived late.
"Woah Karma I'm surprised to see you here. I didn't think you made time for stuff like this" isogai grinned. "Not a big deal man. If I didnt show up people would've thought I was just running away. Plus I dont wanna leave my girlfriend here with a guy that's after her" he shrugged.

Ritsu's stand in was hideous. I'm not sorry.

As all the announcements were made about vacation Y/N zoned out. She wanted to tell karma the truth but...she didnt know how to.

Back in class Koro sensei gave directions and information about the schools trips for summer. They would cash in the tentacle freebee's during summer camp. Report cards were handed out along with the assassination report cards. Double circles!

As the class was let out of school they all left happily.

Y/N watched karma walk with his hands behind his head holding both of their bags. She had to tell him but didn't know how. "Hey you comin?" Karma asked. She was snapped out of her trance. "Mm!" she nodded and smiled. She walked to him quickly and held his hand. "Let's go"

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