Chapter 8 - i didn't expect that

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Marcus is sleeping shirtless while Esmeralda is sleeping in a silk top and bottom laying on his chest. Her alarm starts going off, she starts opening her eyes.

"Fuck, I don't wanna get up." Marcus said

"10 more minutes."

1 hour later.....

"Marcus wake up its 1 in the afternoon."

"Do I have to?" He says in a whinny voice.

"I gonna teach you how to use a gun, I trying not to die because you don't know how to use a damn gun."

"Fair enough."

Esmeralda is starting to get up but Marcus pulls her down in the bed with again. They both start to laugh, Esmeralda starts to play with his hair.


"Oh shit?! Get changed Marcus now."

They both get changed fast then go downstairs.
They start going down stairs and sees her uncle.

"Hey Tío."

"Esmeralda quen eson estos muchachos?"
( Esmeralda Who are these kids?)

"Ellos son mis amigos."
( their my friends)

"Why do you have boys here? You better not be dating any of them!"

Esmeralda stays quiet and beginnings to fiddle with her rings, she can't lie to her uncle because he will know the truth. He starts to take out a gun.

"Woah calm down, you act like this is a life or death situation."

"I told you no boys, now tell me which one is it so I can beat the crap out of him. Unless I kill all of them which makes this situation more easier."

Jayden steps in front of her.

"Papa no, don't you understand Esmeralda is happy for once, she has all these responsibilities let her be a normal teenager for once."

"So you knew and didn't tell me?"

"It's not my secret to tell, Don't you trust her?"

"I do."

"You act like I don't need you, I'm going to make a few mistakes but that's what teenagers do. I'm not perfect, I just want a chance to be some what normal. You know I don't really do anything that involved feelings but I've opened up somehow but please have faith in me."

"Alright you know what your right I do have to trust you, but i swear if you get hurt by him I will kill his ass."

He hugs Esmeralda and Esmeralda grabs Marcus's hand and puts him in front of her.

"Tío this is Marcus, my boyfriend."

She feels weirded out by that word because she's never had to use it before. Her uncle takes a deep breath and puts out his hand for Marcus to shake, Marcus shakes his hand.

"It's nice to meet you Marcus, let me guess your not Mexican aren't you?"


"What? I'm trying to make small talk."

Marcus chuckles

"No sir I'm from Nicaragua."

"Good to know, and who might your friends be?"

Esmeralda starts pointing at each of them.

"Maria, Lex, Petra, Willie, billy, and Saya. They all go to kings dominion."

"Nice to meet all of you, I have things to do enjoy your stay. Esmeralda I need to talk to you later, come to my office around 6 pm."


He leaves and Jayden gives her a death stare.

"What? You didn't have to step in I could of handled that perfectly fine."

"If by perfectly fine do you mean my old man almost killing Marcus."

" Sorry, I guess."

"Apology accepted, anyways see ya I'm hanging out with my friends."

"Whatever, cmon Lets go guys I'm teach you how to properly shoot a gun. Saya, Maria, and Petra you don't have to come if you want to you guys already know how to defend yourselfs. If you guys wanna go to the mall my car is outside and you can take my credit card while your at it, I'm trying not to break you out of jail."

"Thanks Hermana." Maria says.

Esmeralda gives her the card and they go to the shooting range in the basement.

"Holy shit this is so cool."

Lex and billy runs to the wall filled with different types of guns.

"Calm down you two don't loose your heads." Marcus says

"So put these headphones on so the sound doesn't make you go deaf. Once I didn't put them on and my ears were ringing for days."

They put them on and Esmeralda gives them their own gun. Esmeralda tries to tease Marcus by putting her arms around him and whispers in his ear.

"Keep your arm straight and strong, your eyes have to be where you want the bullet to go to."

"I see what your trying to do sweetheart." he says with a smirk on his face.

"I don't know what such thing your talking about mr.Lopez."

"Watch that sweet mouth of yours hermosa."

He kisses her cheek

"Can you guys not do it front us, we still want the ability to see." Willie said

"Cock blocker."

Both her and Marcus laugh, she moves on to help the rest of them. She tries show billy where he needs to put his hands on the gun and he puts his hand on Esmeralda's.

"Hey! Watch where your putting those hands man, she mine." Marcus says

"Don't worry mate, I don't want her."

"Why wouldn't you? I'm a catch, I'm one of the hottest assassins in the world, that's pretty impressive if you ask me."

"Don't get me wrong your hot but I'm have my eyes on someone else."

"Oooooh Billy has a crush on someone."

"Cmon Billy we all know who it is, it's kinda obvious." Willie says

"Does the name Petra ring a bell?" Esmeralda says sarcastically.

Marcus puts his arm around Esmeralda's shoulder. Esmeralda and Marcus start fake kissing to make fun of billy.

"I say go for it, your a catch billy. Don't be such a pussy and go get your girl."

"Yeah you know what I will." He says confidently.

He leaves and goes to get changed.

"You do realize that this can blow up in our faces right?" Marcus said

"Yeah I just realized that, he's a big boy he'll deal with it."

"Now let me show you boys how it's done, watch and learn."

She winks and takes a gun and points it at the dummy. She slightly squints her right eye and pulls the trigger and it immediately hits the the dummy in the head. Light smoke comes out of the gun and she blows on it.

"Oh shit that was hot." Marcus says

"Cool." Willie said

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