Chapter 49 - American dream

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"I got it let me drive." He switches seats with me and now I'm a passenger princess.

"Is it weird that I feel free now? I will always love Marcus but I guess I'm just a whole bunch of craziness for him."

"Cmon your not crazy, it's just Marcus is a little bitch and doesn't know how to handle a girl who is clearly better than him."

"I know your trying to make me feel better but why exactly don't you like him? He didn't do shit you"

"I don't hate him, I just think it's hilarious to mess with him. He doesn't like me because he thinks Im gonna steal you away from him, no one can resist a face like mines."

He pulls over to the side of the road and we both switch seats. He grabs my hand and looks me in the eyes.

"I'm pretty sure he doesn't care anymore, he's done with me, So it's time for me to move on. I doubt that we'll find a way back to each other."

"I like you Esmerelda and you know that, never would I disrespect you the way he did. Who am I to judge you when I don't know your story and I'm not a saint either so I can't say shit. I'm not gonna ask you out right now or tell you to give me a chance because I don't want you to feel pressured or to make the wrong decision because of your vulnerable state right now." 

"I- oh shit the cops." I see a cop car from the backseat window. I take out my hair from my low ponytail and put on my sunglasses so my face doesn't look familiar.

"I forgot that your-" he

"Shut up! He walking towards us! Play along I have an idea."

Andrew rolls down the window and start to act extremely friendly with the officer.

"License and registration? Can I ask you guys whatcha doin out here? It's a pretty empty town."

I hand him another one of my fake licenses and papers and he takes a good look at me.

"We're just a young couple on a road trip." I kiss his cheek and leave a lipstick mark on it.

"Just driving through, seeing the world."

"Hey you look familiar, I've seen you before-" my heart drops but Andrew cuts him off before he can answer his question.

"Is that all officer?" He holds my hand on my thigh trying to make this act as real as possible.

"I'm done here, take care kids." He leaves and we wait for him to drive off. I take a deep breath and take out a make up wipe to clean the lipstick off of my face and off of andrews face.

"You weren't acting were you?" He asks me with a smirk.

"Oh shut up, I know you liked it." I take off my glasses and wink at him.

"Your not wrong, I thought it was adorable. How many fake licenses do you have?"

"To be honest I lost count, but you saved my ass back there so thanks."

He starts to drive and I turn on the music, I open the roof of the car and I stand up to feel the breeze. The start to sing along to the song "Dopamine" by Maggie lindemann and Siiickbrain, I take my diary and start to draw.

 The start to sing along to the song "Dopamine" by Maggie lindemann and Siiickbrain, I take my diary and start to draw

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"I'll be your protector when your walking home, don't wanna be someone that you don't know. Oh my baby, what have we done? I need one more second with you alone." I sing it under my breath.

He looks at me for a second and I smile at him in return. Oh my god, do I like him? No, no, no what am I doing? Shit, I do. He takes a quick glance at my drawing and his face turns serious. Once we head into the city again, I start to remember the streets I once walked on with my parents.

"You quiet everything alright?"

"I'm fine, I just haven't been to this part of the city in a while. Here uh pull over so I can drive." My mood changed immediately and I start tapping the wheel anxiously.

After 20 minutes we are finally here, I get out of my car and I finally the memories start flooding in, I expected to be here with Marcus not Andrew.

"This was my childhood home, I payed people to revamp the whole place. There was a lot of blood everywhere and I haven't stepped a foot in here since the massacre."

"Are you sure you wanna do this? We can just get a hotel."

"I need to do this, I can't just keep avoiding it for the rest of my life. I'm hoping this place isn't haunted though, okay I'm ready."

He unexpectedly holds my hand and my eyes go immediately to his beautiful brown eyes. I look away and take a deep breath and start to walk into the house. I start getting flashbacks to the amount of dead bodies on the ground, it's like blood everywhere, I see vivid scenes full of red.

My grip tights around his hand and I start to walk up the stairs slowly and the first room I pass through is my parents. I start breathing heavy and place my hand on the knob trying to open it. Once the door opens I see the one picture of me and my parents together, tears start falling down my eyes and Andrew pulls me in for a hug.

"Shhhh your okay." He comfortly kisses my forehead.

He takes a glance at the picture and takes his focus back onto me. With my arms wrapped around his waist I feel safe, it's nothing compared to Marcus but i don't even care anymore.

"You look exactly like your mom, she's beautiful."

"I get that a lot, my brother looks like my dad." I chuckle, and wipe the tears off my face.

"You have a brother? I didn't know that." He smiles.

"I didn't know either I thought he died once my mother did, I just found out recently, he's 13 and not living with me for his own safety of course, god forbid something actually happen to him because of my job. I can't risk it."

"Understandable, I have a little sister, she's 14. She on the other hand wants to be a FBI agent, for someone her age she's real mature. She's had her fair share of experiences with relationships so I gotta protect her, she's not close with my parents so I'm the only one she has."

"That's cute, at least she has someone looking out for her. you said you didn't want to become an FBI agent, why is that?"

We leave the room and start walking down the hall, I try to focus on his words and not everything around me.

"I believe that my life was never intended to protect and serve people, Fuck the system. The government doesn't give a fuck about any of us, it's rigged. I have all the right tools to become a mob boss, I have killer instincts, I can negotiate and I don't hesitate to use a gun on anyone."

"Well that was hot, I like that you can advocate for yourself. My advice is do whatever the hell you want, people will only take you serious if you put a couple bullets in someone's head. I know for a fact that you know that money makes people hush and makes problems go away."

"Your not wrong, being rich does help a lot. But did you just call me hot?" He backs me against the wall and stares into my eyes with his face inches away from mines.

"Nervous much?" He smirks while putting his hands on my waist.

"What's there to be nervous about? It's not like your going to do shit." I tease him.

"Oh really, you test that theory out?"

I nod my head and 5 seconds later I crash my lips against his, it felt so right but so wrong at the same time.

"Let's go to a bar, because I don't like the fact that we were most likely gonna have sex and my my parents spirits are probably still here and that's a bad idea."

"Shit your right, later?"

"Yep, now I need a drink. Let's go cheekbones." I grab his hand and lead him to my car.

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