Chapter 61 - Broken boys

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It's seven am and we're on the road back to kings dominion, my eyes are barely open, on the other hand Xavier is on his third energy drink of the morning. His eyes are steady on the road trying not to lose focus.

"Thanks for taking care of my sister yesterday, she told my mom that you guys had fun and that she wants to come visit more often."

"That's adorable, can I ask you something? how long do you think this marriage is going to last." He eyes look at me for a good second then go back on the road.

"Honestly? I don't know. I'm just hoping that Chelsea doesn't get too attached to you, she has attachment issues. She does it with every woman she gets along with, it started with my mom. I'm surprised Chelsea didn't wake up in the middle of the night rushing to my room asking to call my mom to go pick her up so she can go home."

"I was like that too at one point with my mom, so I understand her. It gets scary because we believe that they will leave us at one point."

"I shouldnt be telling you this, I don't want to bring up any unwanted memories."

"It's normal for me now, I get it your concerned about your sister." I give him a reassuring smile and we stay quiet for the rest of the way. Once we get to kings dominion, I tell him that we should go our separate ways.

"I'm going to go find Marcus before class starts, don't go missing me too much, I'll see you later." I wave goodbye to him and he waves back.

As I'm making my way to Marcus's room, I hear two girls talking about trying to shoot their shot with him. My blood starts to boil but I can't even say anything because of my deal with Xavier.

I knock on Marcus's door and he yells, not knowing it's me.

"Shut the fuck up and go away, people are trying to go to sleep." He opens his door and his eyes go wide.

"Wow some dirty mouth you have, fine I guess I'm just going to go." I say sarcastically, a smile appears on his face, he lights up.

"Oh no you're not going anywhere." He picks me up by my waist and carried me inside, what I didn't know is that Xavier was across the hallway.

A shirtless Marcus carries me in his arms and gives me the most longest kiss ever, man does it feel good to be back in his arms.

"How are you? It must be absolute hell living with that asshole."

"He's not as bad as you think. I have my own closet which is much appreciated, I just miss my house."

"I still can't believe that he blackmailed you into marrying him." He pulls me into his arms for a hug and I can finally relax, that's the difference between Xavier and Marcus. Marcus always knew how to calm me down, laying down in his bare chest always feels like home.

Even though I do enjoy Xavier's company sometimes, it doesn't feel right being living with him. We both made an agreement, he can't hookup with girls and I can't sleep with Marcus. I'm trying to respect that decision but it's getting hard not to.

The look in each others eye in-tenses, we have no other choice than to connect our lips together, oh my god he's so fine. I automatically fell in love with His tanned skin and dark eyes, can't forget about those beautiful rich curls.

He starts to place kisses on my neck, shit it feels amazing. I have a feeling he's going to leave hickies on my neck, we stops for a second to look me in the eyes. In that moment that's when I noticed Instead of taking his heart, I took his soul.

Marcus POV

She's my favorite mess but she hurts and I'm the one to blame. I like that she's my beautiful obsession and the center of attention, all I know is that I'm mad about her.

I've killed for her, and I'm willing to do it again, one day she will become my wife and I will protect her for the rest of my life, I have nothing left to lose except for her. I'd wait for for the rest of my life if I have to, she fits perfectly in my arms. What I'm worried about is all the time she's spending with Xavier.

Im afraid of losing her to him, only god knows what's going on in his head. I know he sees me as a threat but won't do shit because of Esmerelda's sake. He knows that if he pulls the fucking trigger, she would never forgive him and that's what he's afraid of.

I don't give a flying fuck about what his problems are, I'm not going to lose her because of him. Most of my life I've been stumbling across the road with red eyes, there's only so much longer I can handle. My happiness is fading, when I'm with her I'm filled with so much joy. My parents would of loved her, but because of Chester it's over, they will never get to see me have a family or get married. I know what I have to do.

Xavier's POV

Loving her is hard but I know loving me a harder, I want her to tell Marcus that I hate him too. Cause she never looked at me the way that she looks at him, like she has hearts in her eyes. Honestly why am I surprised. I'm not ready to let her go yet, I feel like we were meant to be.

I know that if she would ever tell she wanted me too, I would be filled joy. I'm willing to wait for her, it sounds stupid because I know she's never going to come back to me.

I like that she's not a people pleaser, people to talk shit and they love to hate her, they are really just mad because they all wanna taste her. The thought of her makes me insane, the way she looks in eye makes it seem like she wants me. Her body reacts a certain way when I touch her but her mouth says something else, she trying to do right the thing by standing by Marcus, I know she knows she wants me too.

End of pov

As I make my way to class, I feel two people link their arms with mine. I hear the sound of Maria laughter, she starts to a conversation with me to see how I'm doing.

"Trouble in paradise prima?"

"Definitely, I going to need a drink later. Party at the graveyard?"

"Count me in, my family is driving me insane. I need to drown my sorrow's in alcohol or something else, care to provide some enhancement Esmerelda." Saya says low key as possible.

"Of course, it'll be my pleasure."

"I'll tell the boys, they won't say no to free alcohol." Maria winks and sways away to find the guys.

Once I walk into the class with, I see Xavier talking to his friends. He notices me immediately and calls me over, I hate myself so much, I should of never looked at him. He pulls me in the waist and wraps his arm around me.

"Ah so you must be the girl the has won over andrews heart, honestly I expected him to explore his options and not settle down so quickly. No offense but I've been hearing that you've slept with half of the guys here, you might wanna get tested Andrew." The guy laughs.

"Excuse me?" Marcus walks passed me he looks back at me, he look emotionless.

"Jeremy shut the fuck up, before I make you." Xavier says in a pissed off Manner, he pulls me in by my waist but i manage to escape his grip.

I walk up to the asshole and pull him by his ear, everyone is in shock and he tries to hit me.

"Hasn't your mommy ever told you to never lay your hands on a girl? Listen douche bag, not that it's any of your business but I only slept with two guys in my entire life, you know a couple of ladies have told me you have such a small dick that they had to ask you if it was even inside yet."

"Oh please you wouldn't even know how to please a girl, bitch." Once those come out of his mouth I punch him in the face.

"That's the game you wanna play? Okay let's play, I feel so sorry for you, honestly. Your head is so far up your ass, and it's caused you to grow dumb and fucking blind."

"I'm sorry okay, please stop your going to rip my ear off!!!!" He begs for me to stop and let go, Xavier tries to talk to me but I shove him away and end up sitting next to Saya for the remainder of class.

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