Chapter 91 - My territory

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"What the hell do you mean we have a problem? It better be worth it, Xavier." he hands me a note on my hand, the note is on a nice decorative paper but is written in red ink.

"Oh my god." those were the only letters I could get out at that moment. Chester is planting a bomb under the venue we're gonna go to get married at, but that's not the only place. He gave us a hint but didn't give us a direct answer.

"Esmerelda, I can send some people I know out there to check it out" I cut him off immediately. "No, it could possibly be my main warehouse in Sinaloa, you can send them, I have my drug den there. He's planning to fucking blow it up." I rip up the card and I throw it.

I swear there's always something new in my life, can't breathe without someone trying to kill me. This isn't some small threat, I've received several of those, this is way more bigger than anyone can ever imagine. "We need to get there first before he can do anything." I was scared shitless at that moment but kept a brave face. "I'll have a private jet take us there." Xavier takes out his phone and quickly walks out to make a call. I really hope this doesn't go down that bad, as I grab some of my things Jayden comes out of nowhere.

"Where are you going? And without me, I'm deeply hurt." Jayden's sarcasm was definitely something I hated. "Chester made a bomb threat on the venue I'm going to get married at, and I'm assuming he's planning to blow up our main warehouse. We have people in hiding there, our stash is there."

"We have the whole place surrounded by our men, there's no way in or out with authorization. Are you sure about this?" I nod my head, "I better be wrong about this, your dad cannot know about this, Jayden. It's going to World War Three up in there, you can come but only for damage control. I don't want you anywhere near the three warehouses, you hear me?"

"Loud and clear, when are we leaving?" he was nervous but was in all the way. "Right now." I start to gather my things and tell Maria where I'm going so she knows what story to tell when I'm not there.

I got in the car with Jayden and Xavier and it was a long ride to the airport. This isn't just some regular threat, this is my livelihood. I get the majority of my product grown there, it's safer than the U.S. I have family there too, they work in my warehouse, some of the hardest workers I have ever met, people have jobs to support their families. They wanted to work, but some of the most stubborn people ever.

The flight attendant starts to pass out drinks and I take two shots of tequila to calm me down before I punch someone. She was low-key flirting with Xavier, it was obvious. "Watch it, honey, stop eye fucking my fiancee unless you want to be thrown out of this plane. I will not hesitate to pay for your funeral, I was thinking about cremation, what do you think?" she walks away scared and Xavier laughs. "Jealous much?"

"Oh please, I'm just not going to sit here and watch her practically shove her tits in your face. It's nothing personal Xavier, if I can't have fun, neither can you." I down another shot of tequila and see Jayden's reaction. "Geez Esmeralda, that's like your third one." I roll my eyes and respond, "Relax I'll be fine, I'm too stressed right now, I needed it."

We finally landed in Mexico and I saw my horses there and I pet them. "Ay Que tan hermosas estan ustedes." I was greeted by my aunts from my dad's side. I introduced them to Xavier and weirdly enough they loved him, no surprise there. It's because of his looks and charm, in my opinion, his personality was okay. "No es demasiado temprano para estar aquí? Tu Boda no es hasta dentro de dos semanas."

(translation: Isn't it too early to be here? Your wedding isn't for two weeks.)

"Aqui me voy a casar, entonces necesitamos a ver la salón para a ver si todo salió bien. Usted sabe que todo tiene que aced perfecto."

(Translation: I'm getting married here, so we need to see the venue to see if everything went well. You know that everything has to be perfect.)

She understands perfectly and after I say my hellos, I get into a car and make my way to my house that was built for me by my uncle. I finally get there and settle in, the workers are completely friendly but kinda struggled to understand Xavier's Spanish accent. We all eat and drive to my main warehouse, "Señora Santos, es un placer a ver la otra vez, usted está buscando Miguel?" One of my guys said he and his family have been loyal to mine for ten years, practically family. He is in charge of product production, I love how he gets things done promptly.

(Translation: Mrs. Santos, it's a pleasure to see you again, are you looking for Miguel?)

"Si, sabes adonde está?" My arm was linked around Xavier's, but I was mostly leading him. He leads me to the head of my security office, did I forget to mention Miguel is my cousin? Well, he is, "well if it isn't the infamous Esmerelda Santos, the queen of the words larges mafia. What the hell are you doing in Mexico? I revived the invitation to your wedding it and isn't in until two weeks." He greets me and Jayden. "I have a little issue we need to discuss and it kinda has your name written all over it."

"Let me have it, tell your troubles, dear cousin." I have Jayden close the door and I tell him everything. "There is a bomb threat being made to here and my wedding venue, I know you had a history of dealing with these sorta things, and you're my head of security so it all plays out. I need your help, Miguel, I can't do this without you."

"Okay, who's the jackass that the threat?" I take a glance at Jayden and let it out, "Chester.."
The smile dropped from Miguel's face, "You mean that dickhead who um.... You know."

"Killed my parents? It's okay you can say it, he wants revenge he thought he killed me and now he's hoping that this time it goes right. Mostly because he wants to wipe the existence of the Santos family." He runs his fingers through his hair, "That's hard, especially two, I'll have some of my guys check around for anything abnormal so we'll let you know. Is this your fiancé? Who knew someone was able to reverse that stone heart you have."

I roll my eyes and both of my cousins start to laugh, "Don't act like I won't kick both of your asses."

"Hey, it's like I see you very often. Your rich ass is in the U.S, San Francisco eh? You're still in school, right? That's adorable." I punch him on the shoulder and he rubs his arm, "your only 2 years older than me."

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