chapter 92 - stupidity

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Five days before the wedding..
As the wedding was getting closer my nerves started getting worse, I don't get nervous, it's not what I do but in this case I was ready to run away. We still haven't found nothing about that bomb Chester placed, security was doubled everywhere that was considered my territory. I wasn't going to let any of my family members or workers die on my land, I even had helicopters flying around, they were my eyes in the sky. I told Xavier to pick whatever dress he wanted, I wanted nothing to do with that process. He hired someone to take measurements and create a custom dress for the big day, I didn't want it to feel too real.

"Watch where you put those hands, Ms, I know you're trying to figure out if I'm natural." She apologizes immediately, I was actually trying on the final dress. It was beautiful but I couldn't love it, none of this was real and I sure as hell didn't want it to be. "It looks great on you esme, you look like a princess." Maria says in awe.

"You can have this dress afterwards." I say in English so the woman couldn't understand me, well I hope she didn't understand me. "Se puede reiterar por favor." She tells the woman. Now it was just the two of us in the room, "everything is going to be okay, prima. This will all be over soon, then you can be married to Marcus." I scoff at her words.

"Are you feeling tired or anything? I don't think that's going to happen for a while. What stresses me out is the thought of my family being here and if we can't find that bomb, it's completely over. Not only is this my lively hood but all these workers have families outside of this business,  this can end badly on so many levels. I can be a bitch sometimes but I'm not a monster." She grabs my hands and sits me down, "Xavier is working on it, he's not going to let anything happen while his family is here too-" I cut her off immediately, "wait- wait Maria, don't say anything else."

"Rude." I shush her quickly and notice a small gadget hidden in the detail of my dress, I pick up slowly and she looks at me as if I was crazy. I throw it on the ground and stomp on it. "What the hell is going on?" She asks. "Someone bugged this dress, help me get of out it please." When I get into my normal clothes, we both go running outside to find Xavier and Miguel. "A heads up would've been nice." Miguel says.

"We're being spied on, I found a bug in my dress, we need to start integrating everyone and I mean now! Chester is working on the outside but we have a rat among us." Miguel sighs and gets up to round everyone up.


"What are you guys packing up for? Shit, you even threw in a fancy suit?" Billy, Lex, and Willie all look at each other in unison. "We're Leaving for Mexico tonight, Esmeralda sent her private jet to pick us up for her wedding you know." Marcus nervously laughs, "ohhh, I see. Well you guys have fun." the three boys look at each other awkwardly, "she's gonna come back to you, ya know." willie reasures him. "Yeah, totally." Marcus puts on a fake smile and exits their room. "Is it weird that I kinda feel bad?" willie says, "yes, who are you? And snap out of it." Billy snaps in his face.

"If you do that, your fingers are coming off, I will find some kind of animal to feed those little shits to." Willie doesn't hesitate to threaten him which leads to billy and Lex to mock him. They get on the jet sent by Esmerelda and fly to Mexico. Lex and Billie were mostly hoping for a real eager, getting drunk or being Esmerelda's lab rats to test those drugs on, anything for a hit right?

"Why the frown on your face Marcus? I haven't seen you like this in a good while. Let me guess does it have something to do with a special lady getting married?" Saya nudges his shoulder, "God that's the only thing people keep talking about." He puts his hand over his mouth in frustration, "can you blame them? A mafia princess and a FBI agent getting married? They don't know the truth of course they are gonna go crazy over it. Once it leaks out they were faking it the entire time will be amusing to watch. I can't wait for them to find out who Andrew really is. Anyways hang in there, you only have less than a month left until you get your girl back."

"You're going too right?" Marcus asks saya and she nods her head. "Of course, I'm a bridesmaid, why are you asking?" Marcus immediately shakes his head "no reason." His plan was to sneak on the plane that saya was going in and kinda crash Esmerelda's wedding. Although he was still deciding whether to go or not.

We started to interrogate, everyone, I even started having to threaten people by cutting off their fingers. It was a good cop, bad cop situation, I was the bad cop and Miguel was the good cop. I cut one person's finger off, he was giving me attitude then I decided it wasn't him.

"Gee, violent much? You didn't have to cut off his middle finger, now there blood all over the table." He rolls his eyes, "oh he'll be fine, he gave me an attitude earlier, I wasn't gonna let that go." The next person comes in and it was the woman that Xavier hired to do my dress. "I didn't put whatever was it is in your dress Ms santos, I swear on my life. I had help creating the dress but I wasn't going to let this dress be tainted by anything. It's expensive and one of a kind, never to be made again." I chuckled, "did you not do a final check of the dress before sending it off?" She nods her head vigorously, "yes, ms santos, not even a piece of loose string was going to get past my eye. Please don't cut my fingers off." She begs.

"Don't fucking cry about it, I'm not going to chop your fingers off. Honey you're mascara is running down your face, get the hell out of my sight!" She scurries off and I sit back in my chair and groan. "We are never gonna find out who did it." I slumped in my chair frustrated. "You're so mean, listen that doesn't matter right now, we have to find that stupid bomb. Do you think he could be bluffing?" That's when I realized something.

"Puta madre! I should have known, he wasn't going to plant a bomb. He was just trying to keep me busy from finding the real truth, I- I remember that when he sent me a note he was talking about Marcus and Xavier." Me and Miguel look at each other in complete disbelief, "He doesn't want end your misery quickly by killing you, he wants to kill either one of them so you can live with that guilt forever." Miguel's words made me heart drop to the floor, none of them deserved to die, but I think he's going Marcus. "Chester knows that this wedding is fake, he's trying to get to Marcus through me."

I shook my head and quickly ran to my room to call Marcus, it's crazy how much technology impacts our lives now. "Cmon, Marcus, pick up the damn phone!" It was ringing but no answer. "Carajo." I cursed under my breath, I went to go look for Xavier in that moment. I was running around like crazy trying to find him until I did. "Whoa, slow down there. Who are you going to kill now? I don't like that look on your face."

"I have good news and bad news, there's no bomb, I'm such a fool for believing his threats. bad news is I don't know if he's trying to kill you or Marcus or even both of you. Why are you so calm?" He was relaxed, no fear was shown on his face. "I've dealt with this before, psychos trying to kill me. I've always lived and I will this time, it's hard to get rid of me. I'll be fine, did you try to warn Marcus?" I nod my head, "yes but he doesn't answer, I really hope he shows up here incase Chester tries to come after him over there at kings dominion."

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