Chapter 35 - disrespect

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"Marcus? Thank god your okay, I was worried sick."

"Hey, we're okay, none of us were killed. Esmerelda, I didn't kill him. I just didn't have the heart to do it."

"Why? What happened?"

"I'll tell you when I get back, but I do have to talk to you about something and you might think I'm crazy."

"You're scaring me."

He hangs up and I start to feel my stomach turn, what the hell does he mean by "I have to talk to you about something?" I was never much of an overthinker, but shit this is an awful feeling.

An hour later after pacing around I hear someone turn the knob of my door and I see Marcus covered in blood again. Damn this starting to become a routine now.

"What the hell were you gonna tell me? You're making me anxious."

"Did you ever date Alexander?"

"I told you already Marcus, it's complicated and I don't want to fucking talk about it."

I get up from my bed and start to walk away from him.

"Don't you dare walk out of this room Esmerelda, tell me what happened."

"Why should I? You're already believing in the shit he's saying. I already know what your thinking so go ahead and say it!"

"Did you have his fucking child?"

"What did you just say?"

"He has a fucking child, that's why I didn't kill him, I wasn't gonna traumatize the kid. That's not who I am, So answer my question did you have his kid!"

"No, I didn't, I was never pregnant Marcus. Your unbelievable if you think I was gonna have his child. He has put me through hell, Alexander forced me into a relationship with him so he could have power. He would have killed my uncle and Jayden if I didn't act like his girlfriend. He wanted me to have his child though, I took a plan b pill when he wasn't looking, and I told him I was infertile."

"Why did you lie to me? You could have told me the truth."

"Because no one knows, my own family would have accused me of being a liar. They loved him, so when I so-called broke up with they were disappointed in me but soon got over it. But I swear the child he has is not mine."

He pulls me into his arms and holds me tight. I rest my head on his shoulder and take a deep breath.

"I believe you, I just wanted to know because he looks like you." He plays with a piece of my hair

"That's impossible, I'm gonna have someone look into his profile and see what I can dig up"

"Already did." He hands me a file filled with paper.

"Holy shit, damn this fucking crazy, poor kid has gone through hell. So his mother committed suicide? But why though? Was it because of depression?"

"That's the thing, her family said she was fine and was so excited to find out she was pregnant. She loved Sebastian but according to witnesses, there was a few incidents where they noticed Alexander arguing with his wife. He was slut shaming her and was mentally abusive towards her."

"Do you think she killed herself or did Alexander kill her? I mean, after all, he is capable of doing it."

"Most likely, do you think he'll come back?"

"He always comes back somehow but we have to start being extremely careful, just the slightest wrong move and we could end up dead."

Marcus's face goes blank and I can tell something just took over his mind.

"Wait if you didn't have the kid but he still looks like you could that possibly be he's somehow related-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence, drop it, Marcus. If you don't I'll deal with Alexander all alone, don't you dare bring me into this mess. Your gonna start a fight that's not ever gonna end."

I tidy myself and put on my heels, I grab my bag and my car Keys, I feel bad this is just tough love, I don't want him to get hurt and I'm scared of the truth but no one is ever gonna know that.

"I'll see you later I have a meeting to attend, oh, and Marcus, you don't want to go behind my back, I have eyes and ears everywhere." I kiss his cheek and walk out of the room.

This is so fucking stressful, I can't go one day without someone either trying to kill me or trying to mess with my life.

My driver opens the door and hands me my coffee.

"Mr. Santos is already waiting for you m'lady, good luck, and thank you again for the promotion."

"Oh Samuel you work too hard, you have a paid day off tomorrow. Go spend time with your kids and tell Margret I said hello."

"Will do ms, take care of yourself."

I nod my head and I open the door to see my uncle having his business face on. He's usually always serious but he doesn't fuck around with business shit.

"Oh, sweetheart I think you're in the wrong room, the strippers stay downstairs." The old hag laughs.

"Excuse me? Do you know who I am?"I say defensively.

"I don't care who you are, someone get this Barbie doll out of here."

"Mr. Sanchez, you don't want to find out what happens when a Louboutin heel steps on a snake-"

"Esmerelda! Cálmate." My tío says with anger.

"Mr. Sanchez, this is Esmerelda Santos, the leader of the Santos." His assistant says nervously. He looks like he's gonna shit his pants.

"Excuse my language but now you fucked up." I laugh.

"This has to be a joke You chose a little girl to be your leader, Christopher? How pathetic, what is she gonna do? Teach us how to braid hair?" He laughs.

"Light 'em boys," I say to my boys.

They immediately get up and point guns at Mr. Sanchez without hesitation, Let the fun begin.
His facial expression changes up real quick and I sit down at the table.

"So are you gonna treat me with respect or do I have to show you how to properly respect a lady? The choice is yours." I smile with my jacket open to reveal my gun.

"My dear apologies ms. Santos."

"Whatever, alright enough with the theatrics. So tell me, Mr. Sanchez. What do you have to offer me?"


Again I am so sorry it took me so long to post, I have a lot of things going on in my life right now, and I hope you understand. I will try to post more frequently, thank you for continuing to read my story, and thank you for your patience.


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