Chapter 56 - You're on my terms

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It's finally the weekend and I don't have to worry about waking up early. But at the same time, I wish that I wouldn't have woken up, my problems are only getting worse because of my stupidity.

I finally wake up with my head between the crook of Marcus's neck while his chin is resting on the top of my head. My arm is looped around his back, hugging him, hoping that this moment would never end.

"I know you're awake." Marcus's morning voice is the best sound ever, he kisses my head and I end up trying to get up.

"No, no, no you're not leaving me that easily." The tightens his arms and I immediately start laughing. I start to kiss his neck, he takes a deep breath and starts to moan quietly into my ear.

"That's a pretty mark on your neck, although it could be bigger, maybe I should try again." He laughs at my sarcasm then I move to a different part of his neck.

"If you keep going, we may not be able to leave this bed all day Esmerelda. So don't stop."
I finally break free from his arms and point to his neck.

"I like this one better than the first one, it's more..... visible. I have a couple of meetings to attend because my uncle cannot be there and I have to add the last finishes on my speakeasy."

"Speakeasy for what? To expand your drug trade?"

"Of course not, that's Jayden's job to find new ways to expand our business and find new investors. This is my very own speakeasy, I vested a lot of money into this, and frankly, I just want something of my very own."

"How do you ever find time for yourself?"

"I've been doing it for my whole life Marcus, this time won't be any different. As much as it pains me I have to go settle this shit with Xavier, I'm hoping at the end of our conversation I get to punch him."

I get up brush, my teeth, and hair then get dressed. I give Marcus one last kiss and make my way to hell aka Xavier's room.

 I give Marcus one last kiss and make my way to hell aka Xavier's room

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I knock on his door and a shirtless Xavier opens the door.

"If I agree with this shit, it's going to be on my terms you psycho." I go into his room and he scoffs.

"Woah, Do I not get a "hi Xavier" or any greeting."

"You think you deserve one?" He stays silent and takes his fingers through his wet hair.

"First of all, you are getting not a single penny of my money, second you are not to go into my uncle's house at all, and if I'm going to be married to you no sleeping with anyone else. I have a reputation for a reason, don't ruin it."

"Are you done yet? We only have to be married long enough for my dad to think this marriage is real. But if you do happen to fall in love with me-"

"That'll be a no for me, and I want a private wedding, 20 people max. I don't need the word to get out that I'm married to you and you will get not a single thing from my mafia, I also want my uncle to be granted a pardon from the governor."

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