Chapter 82 - bitter bitches

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I finally get back to king's Dominion and feel the Soto Vatos circling me.

"Que tanto coraje quieren ustedes? Just because you guys are twice my size, ganging up on me isn't going to scare me, I would've thought you'd known this by now. If you don't mind I have places to be." Oscar steps in front of me and I look up at him.

"Get out of my way before I jam this knife into you. We wouldn't want your blood to ruin this beautiful leather jacket you have wouldn't we?" I say in a seductive tone while running my finger down this chest. I push him with my shoulder and I make my way to Marcus's room to check up on him.

"What's the damage huh?"

"I had to bail them out because they got arrested for public nudity."

"Yep sounds like them but better you than me 'cause I would have made them stay there for a whole week for being idiots. A little tip, Billy is afraid of the dark, if I were you revenge would be on my radar."

"I will consider that, it'd be cruel to punish him even more after Lin deals with him. What's going on with Xavier, you didn't come back last night, so I assume you were with him the entire time."

"Are you jealous? Que lindo, Marcus, I've made it abundantly clear that I want nothing to do with him. I only stayed because I knew that if he had no one to be there for him then he would spiral out of control and make impulsive decisions that would affect him and probably me in the long term. He doesn't have anyone, his sister is in the hospital and his mom is dealing with her issues while trying to protect both of them."

"I know what your intentions are Esmerelda, and I trust you, so I'm not worried about anything. I'm just surprised how much you have changed, you're still nonchalant as hell but I can see you're trying to make an effort to...... be friendly." I laugh and jokingly roll my eyes.

"I don't how you do it, it's exhausting. I don't like being a bitch all the time, it's just part of the job that I can't seem to control or manage. I appreciate you helping me realize being understanding doesn't mean that you'll get walked over all the time. We both know I'm not a "people" person, I have no patience."

"I hate bullies, so I feel the need to speak up when someone is being mistreated. I had no idea what I was getting myself into which almost ended up me getting killed, I've learned to shut up when I need to because I would only make things worse."

"Would you consider me a bully?" I smirked.

"A hot one, for sure. Yeah, you're mean to people but before you punch me, hear me out. I know deep down you try to do the right thing, it's just the assholes here don't deserve an ounce of it. I don't blame you, if had the rep you have, shit I would be a dick like Oscar or Viktor.

"I'm glad you aren't like these stuck-up rich kids, I like that you're different. I'm sick of guys offering me money for a little something in return, it gets boring after a while. You on the other hand offered me something more valuable, love. You saw how I was, didn't believe in that kinda shit."

"You are a wild card, may god help anyone who disrespected you."

I trace his scars with my thumb and take a good look at his face.

"It's been a long week, what do you say about having a little fun tonight? Well take the rest of the guys with us and go clubbing."

"I like the sound of that." His lips trail down my neck and a small moan manages to escape out of me. I get up from his lap and go to my closet to put my gun away.

"You are not giving me a hickey, frankly because it takes a whole process to cover it up. I don't need Jayden or my uncle to see it on my neck, just the thought of a lecture grosses me out. Alright, I'm giving you a very special opportunity, you get to pick out my outfit, yes that includes heels but remember I will steal your sneakers if my feet start to hurt so keep that in mind."

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