Chapter 10 - this is the real me

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(Tw: depression)

They all take out their weapons and start walking in a circle with both sides pointing a gun at each other.

"You know Esmeralda it was a pleasure seeing you again but one day you will be mine whether you like it or not."

"Over my dead body."

"That Can be arraigned, until next time, love."

He leaves along with his men.

"What the hell am I supposed to do now? It's gonna take months to rebuild this warehouse and all the drugs are burned. I can't deal with this right now, let's just head back to my place."

The whole car ride was silent, Marcus's arm around Esmeralda while she was leaning in his shoulder. After a while they get their.

"Esme wake up."

She don't say anything but continues to sleep, he picks her up bridal style and takes her to her room. He places her on her bed, he notices a bunch of medications on her night stand. The majority of them were sleep medications and antidepressants. He had a worried look on his face. He was about to leave by Esmeralda grabs his hand.

"Stay with me, please."

"Of course."

He gets in bed with her and she lays her head on his chest.

"Baby can i ask you a question?"

"Yeah sure."

"Why do you have so many medications?"

"I was afraid you were gonna ask that."

The both of them sit up from the bed. He places her in his arms.

"Can you promise me something?"

He nods his head.

"Please Don't change the way you feel about me after I tell you this."

"And please don't tell anyone about me being sick."

"Trust me i won't."

She nods her head.

"I was very ill as a child, always on medications, I never really had healthy life. I was constantly in and out of the hospital. When I was young i had to have a kidney transplant, it left a unpleasant scar. I thought maybe things would get better but it only got worse. When I was diagnosed with bipolar depression, my uncle thought I was suicidal. So he sent me to a psychiatric hospital but I wasn't crazy I was just afraid. I kept getting these horrible nightmares to the point where I couldn't sleep. Then i was diagnosed with insomnia, that's why i have antidepressants and sleeping medications. I know I'm not normal but i like to think so, it keeps me from having my head in the clouds ya know."

Esmeralda stays quiet and he kisses her forehead.

"Something tells me your not done yet." Marcus says.

"That's cause I'm not. I get these sudden urges to kill people and things, I have the MAOA and CDH13 genes, also know as..."

"The serial killer genes."


"That's one of the reasons why I wanted to be apart of the mafia, I don't wanna kill innocent people. But in this world we're all sinners."

She puts her hand into Marcus's while lightly stroking it.

"I know what happened in that group home, Marcus. I know you didn't kill Those boys."

"How do you know about that?"

"I may have done a background check a while ago."

"You did what?!"

"Hey Listen I'm so sorry, I just wanted to make sure you weren't after me or some shit. I mean, you were the first person who took a chance in me, you didn't know who I was which was like a godsend. Please forgive me."

"It's Alright, do you wanna know the truth?"

"If you don't mind."

"After my parents passing I was put into a group home. My roommate wasn't the nicest, he would always steal my food and do horrible things to me. Until one day I was sick of his bullshit. I poisoned his food and I Somehow found a way to escape by lighting the place on fire."

"I gotta admit that's pretty badass."

"I felt bad that those kids didn't make it out, Chester Definitely didn't make it out."


"That's his name, he is a dick after all."

Esmeralda immediately had flashbacks to that name.

"Are you okay?"

"Yep I'm fine I'm gonna go get a water bottle from my closet."

"You have a fridge in your closet?"


She runs to her closet and opens a secret door with a whole board with red push pins and pictures everywhere like a murder board. She puts Marcus's picture on it. She takes a deep breath and grabs a water bottle then heads outside to her room. Then saya comes into her room.

"Do you guys wanna get food?"

"Im down." Marcus says

"Me too."

Esmeralda grabs her med bag and puts all her medications in their. She starts pulling on her jewelry and she feels a strong pair of arms wrapped around her.

"You sure clean up nicely." Esmeralda says

"I feel weird, I never wore a suit to dinner or something.

"Don't worry you'll get used to it."

She gives him a quick peck on the lips then they head downstairs

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