Chapter 34 - get him out of here

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"Oh my god, Marcus what happened? You look like you were ran over by a car."

A see a couple of bruises on him and a few blood stains on his t-shirt, I immediately get off my bed and run over to him.

"Some assholes fucking trashed the comic store and ended up shooting up the place and don't worry it's not my blood-"

"Who is it then?"

"There were a couple of kids in the store shopping and they died in when it was shot up. Me and Billy tried to save them but they didn't make it."

"Oh my god, is Billy okay?"

"Yeah he is, although someone left they're calling card here."

A hands me a playing card with a skull on it, and my stomach dropped. How the hell am I supposed to tell him that my ex fucking wants revenge.

"Hello??? Esmerelda???"

No secrets right?

"Ummm Marcus, this isn't some random attack."

"What do you mean?" He crosses his arms.

"This is my ex's calling card-"

"Wait what? What the hell does he want? Hold on I thought I was your first relationship."He says with slight anger in his voice.

"It's complicated, by the Looks of it sounds like he got a little whiff of our relationship, he's an absolute psycho. I'm sorry that you got dragged into this, I'll pay for the damages and I will fucking kill him."

"No! I don't need your money Esme, I can handle this on my own. Me and Billy have the money, as for your ex I'll handle him."

"You don't understand Marcus, he will rip you into shreds, that's the reason why I broke up with him in the first place. He's fucking crazy, he sends his enemies their loved one's headss as a gift. I know damn well I will not gonna be given your head. Everyone has something to lose or a weak spot, I'm not gonna lose you."

I grab my gun and put it in my thigh chain and go to the intercom that is in the hallway downstairs.

"What the hell Esmerelda? Put the fucking phone down, let me take care of it."

He pulls me in by wrapping his arm around my waist, and a strong scent of cologne enters my nose. He pulls out my gun and whispers something into my ear.

"I'm not losing you either, so tell me where to go and sit your pretty little ass down and stay here where you safe. I'm not telling you again Esmerelda."

"You're not going alone you'll be outnumbered! Let me at least give you some backup, only God knows what he has planned."

I haven't exactly been truthful with everyone, technically Marcus is my first real boyfriend. My so-called "ex" was just my fuck buddy at first but then he tried to control me and made
Everyone believe we were dating. If Marcus found out he would be in a rage.

He threatened to kill my uncle if I said anything, I was miserable. It sucked having him around, it's like I wasn't even safe in my own house.

"Fine, just don't go losing your head, luckily my crew has new headsets. Communicate with each other, Marcus if you come back with a fucking bullet in your body I'm gonna hurt you."

"Looking forward to it, I'll call you after I'm done."

"Be careful Marcus."

He gives me a quick kiss and buttons up a clean new dress shirt. I'm nervous, anything can happen with these types of situations. I just hope they all come out okay, I can't risk any of them dying.

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