Chapter 44 - I really wouldn't get in my way

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On my way back to Marcus I see a small photograph stuck under a car door. Oh shit, I found it, I sigh in relief and go running to Marcus's room. I see some girl talking to him, Marcus tends to be oblivious sometimes and doesn't know when a girl is flirting with him.

"The names Katherine, what's yours?" She says while twirling her hair.

Oh hell no not today bitch, I walk up towards him and grab his face and kiss him. He already knows who I am and kisses back.

"Why don't you just pack it up skank, before I leave a couple of wounds on your face."

"You don't scare me." She gets up in my face. I laugh and tie my hair up.

"Esmerelda I just found out-" Maria comes out of nowhere and sees Katherine all up in my face.

"Wait are you- shit I'm sorry."

"Yes I am, now run away while I still give you the chance, I could easily fuck you up if I wanted to. Go to hell pendeja!"

I exhale and try to walk away, Marcus grabs my arm and I snatch it away from him. I knew that two-faced cunt wasn't going to touch me unless she wants me to fire her brother and father. They both work for me as my security guys, the audacity she has. Although I am a professional so I don't let my personal feelings affect my work.

"Your lucky you didn't get to see me gut that bitch from the inside and out. Even though I would rather have her rotting in hell."

"She was just talking to me, that's it. I didn't even know that she was flirting with me."

"If you say so, I believe this belongs to you or whatever." I push the picture to His chest causing him to hit the lockers.

"Marcus, can you be that estupido? She was, even though it was terrible. I've seen that girl before, her dad and brother work for Esmerelda that's why she was scared. I'm surprised she didn't know what Esme looked like. Marcus, it's not that she doesn't trust you it's just she knows what that girl's intentions are.  Just like how you don't trust Andrew. I can see the jealousy written all over your face."

"There's something off about him, but I'm afraid if I tell Esmerelda she'll think I'm overreacting. I need to talk to her-"

"But first apologize or she will hurt you if you just come at her with your theories. It will not end well for either of you."

I changed into my athletic wear and grab my water to head to the gym. As I opened my door I see Marcus with a bouquet, I forcefully bump my shoulder with his to signal him to get out of my way.

"C'mon Esmerelda, please. I'm sorry, I should of know what was going on. It was stupid of me to think she just wanted to be friends."

I turn around to face him and see him with a sad look on his face.

"Yeah, you're an idiot, goodbye." I turn around and he stops me again.

"Thanks for returning this to me, it means a lot." He holds up his family picture.

"Your welcome, now leave me alone before I turn you into a human punching bag."

I hate when people apologize and I can't find the words to respond to one. I may have been a bit harsh with him but I just need to blow off some steam. As I head into the gym, I see Andrew, sweating and shirtless. Not bad, oh my god what am I saying? I turn around trying to avoid him but looks like he saw me.

"Look who's the stalker now. I'm sorry by the way, I crossed the line and it wasn't cool of me to do that."

"Alright." As I'm on my way out he stops me.

"Aren't you gonna work out? You look pissed. The vein in forehead is about pop."

"I meant what I said before, stay the hell away from me." I leave and go into the other gym.

I start to punch the bag like crazy causing my knuckles to bruise. Once I've had enough I drink my water, then head back to my room. I take a quick shower and finish up my homework.

What the hell is up with people knocking on my door consistently? Why can't I be left alone?

"What do you want Arguello? I'm busy doing work."

"What do I need to do for you to forgive me? Trust me I will do anything." He sits next to me.

"Marcus there's nothing you can do, I already forgave you. I'm just physically and mentally tired-"

"Don't tell me you were punching someone, your hands are bruised." He holds my hand while examining it.

"I didn't, There's only a certain amount of restraining order I can have. Besides I was just punching a bag, Thanks for the flowers, by the way, it was cute watching you beg I guess." I say sarcastically.

He laughs and holds me tightly to him, pressing his soft lips against mines, I can feel him smile.

"How'd you find the picture? I thought it was burned in the car."

"It was a bit charred but I found it to be still intact. I would react the same way if I were you. You know you can be friends with whoever you want Marcus, but need you to be fucking smart about it. I barely have any guy friends which is for a reason, I don't have a friendly personality and I never will. I will always come off as strong which intimidates guys, I make them question their strength. Besides they usually end up getting the wrong message."

"Got it, be more observant. So on a related topic, what's going on with that Andrew fella? He's something alright-"

"Marcus I'm not stupid, of course, I know that something is off with him. I just don't know what it is and I know you're jealous, I see the way you look at him. It's like you wanna rip his head off." At the end, I smile and he just rolls his eyes.

"If he ever gets close to you again, I will enjoy hearing him scream like a bitch when I put a knife into him."

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