Chapter 90 - dead girl walking

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I head to the speakeasy after school to see how it's running. God, how I haven't felt that good in along time, a place of my own creation. I show my id to the museum guard and he lets me inside to where I look around if anyone's there and go down to the speakeasy, where our headliner is testing out her voice.

My guys were restocking the alcohol from last night and let me tell you, they went nuts for that shit. I have people calculating numbers, how much money is going to me and my employes, my investors and Jayden of course. "Boss your fiancée is upstairs." Ugh the word fiancée just freaks me out, especially when it's about Xavier. I get up and go up the stairs.

"Con Que te puedo ayudar? I am busy, can't get enough of me huh?" I wink and get back to the table I was sitting at and realized he was being followed by a young woman. "Who's this?" Xavier's arm slithered around my waist. "This is our wedding planner, Sara, she was recommended by my mother."

"It's a pleasure to meet you Ms santos." We shake hands and I feel something off about her, she's nervous but I can't seem to put my finger on it. She seems a little young to be a wedding planner, she's like 20. "Mr Martinez, what date do you have the wedding set on?"

"By the end of this month." My head snaps at him quickly while she's writing it down, holy shit, I'm going to be married by the end of February. Everything is starting to hit me now, I zoned out for the most whatever what was going on. "Ms santos, Mr Martínez has told me that you want to get married by church, I already found the perfect one by your notes."

"Oh really?" I say through my teeth while looking at him, he rubs the back of his neck. She shows me pictures of the church and miraculously I love it, but I did wish that his was real. Once she's done going over everything with us, Xavier made it clear with her to go big or go home. She left and I hit his shoulder. "What the hell? You could of warned me!"

"Knowing you, you wouldve came up with a random excuse." I scoff and throw up my hands in annoyance. "That's not the point, you want to get married by the end of the month? I get it Xavier, you can do whatever you want with this wedding but don't you dare being religion into this, cmon a church?" I shake my head and walk away to get a shot from the bar.

"Since when are you fucking mother Teresa? The things you do Esmeralda isn't exactly Holy. Want to tell me the real reason why your acting like this? Because I know damn well that you don't give a shit about getting married by church."

"That's where your wrong, I care. If I want to get married in the future I don't want to replay this same wedding because it's not going to mean shit to me. You tell that wackass wedding planner all your wishes for this wedding Xavier because in the end of the day, this isn't real. Hey, you can even pick out the dress, I'm just gonna throw it out or donate it afterwards." I take the shot. Then grab my files off the table booth and make my way to my car.

"Okay, I'm sorry for being insensitive but this has to be as real as possible Esme, both of our families involve religion or it doesn't mean anything to them. You should be happy about this going so fast, the faster we get married the faster you can get back to Marcus."

"You're right but then I have to deal with the repercussions from my whole family for my So called marriage only lasting a week." I get into my car and leave him there, I want my wedding to be real, I don't want to go stupid dress shopping or picking venues. I want all my first to be real, I deserve a happy ending especially when I have gone through hell and back.

I get to school and people start staring at me, "dont guys have somewhere else you have to be instead of staring at me?" they all start whispering to one another, "alright you two, bounce, your standing in front of my locker. If you don't move I will start break knee caps."

"Oh really? Go ahead puta, try us." before we could start fighting saya breaks us up. They're from the kuroki syndicate, so they have to listen to her. "What the hell is happening with you? It's too early to fighting two people, I understand one but two?" She pulls me away into master slashers class.

"I just got into it with Xavier this morning, he showed up with a fucking wedding planner at my speakeasy. By the end of the month I'll be married, this is feeling too real saya, I don't want it to be."

I rest my head on her shoulder and she puts her around me. "At least you'll escape his evil hot ass, Marcus is actually doing fine for the times I've seen him. But I noticed that for the most part he always has his headphones in." I already knew that Marcus was isolating himself, every once in a while I notice him hanging with the guys but that's what I like about him, hes a loner.

After class was over I walk into my room to change all my piercings, got old of them quickly. I hear someone open my room quickly and it slam it. "What is going on Marcus?" I look at him all shocked. "Well lets just say Lex and Billy put hair remover in the preps shampoo bottles and I was coincidentally with them and they think I did it too.

"Where are you little punks? I'm coming for you!" You can hear viktors voice echo down the halls and Marcus walks towards me with urgency. "God you have no idea how long I wanted to do this." He presses his lips against mine and I go for it too, Xavier won't know, and it's really none of his business. Until I hear a knock on the door, "Esmerelda it's me! Please open up, I need to talk to you."

"Go to hell!" I try to by Marcus sometime to hide somewhere and I finally open the door, "why does your room smell like strong cologne?"

"Is that what you wanted to talk about? I'm busy Xavier." I try to walk away from but he stops me "we have an issue...." Here we go again.

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