Chapter 71 - piece of my mind (pt1)

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Marcus comes back into the room and I give him a weird look, I see him with a smile on his face until I look at what's in his hands.

"No, you did not, you bought me sorbet? Awww Marcus, I was craving it."

"I knew you'd want some, You looked stressed, so I thought it could make you feel better."

"I love you. Don't you dare start laughing, blame the fucking hormones in my body, and because it's all your fault." I begin to tear up and he starts to laugh at me.

"That's not what you were saying that night, it's not my fault I'm so good." He wiggles his eyebrows and I throw my stuffed animal at him.

"Hey! Delphine the dolphin has feelings too and doesn't deserve to feel your wrath." He catches it and caresses the top of the dolphin's head.

"Very funny, since when do you call me baby? Were you trying to piss Xavier off?" I say while placing a spoonful of sorbet in my mouth.

"I don't like the way he looks at you, I'm still deciding whether or not I should cut eyes his eyes out."

"You may have this sweet and respectful persona but inside you are batshit crazy."

"That's why opposites attract, you are all mean and scary on the outside but somewhere in that tiny body of yours, you have a teeny little heart. Sometimes it makes a few appearances and other times we have to wish to not be in your presence." He takes off his blazer and gets in bed with me, I move so I can lay on his lap.

"You know me so well, I need to warn you that in a week or two I have to fly to Mexico, I already talked to Lin about it and he said it was fine. It's considered a business trip because I have an issue at one of my warehouses over there and I want to go visit my family. I would take you with me but no one's know that Xavier and I relationship is fake."

"It's okay, you don't need to explain yourself to me, I get it. Just be safe out there and come back in one piece and no more bruises or scars." He says while playing with my hair.

"I highly doubt that's gonna happen." I'm assuming that he thinks I don't remember his birthday but trust me I do, for the last two birthdays I had with him. He always it special Now it's time for me to work my magic.

The next day.....

Classes have been so energy-draining, that each day I'm getting more bruised up because of Master Zane. My only competition in this class is Saya, Maria, and Brandy. I am usually at the top of all my classes but now because of this stupid thing in my body, it is more sensitive, I take a shower and head to the abortion clinic in my car.

Smoking a cigarette as usual, Marcus said he would go with me but all I'm doing is making an appointment, no biggie, Just plenty of shit going through my mind.

After I make my way back to King's dominion I start to get ready again. I enjoy getting ready but the scars on my hand and neck say otherwise. I can't always cover my scars with body makeup so tattoos it is, I open the door for Xavier to come into my room.

"Wow, you look beautiful." His jaw drops.

"Xavier, close your mouth before you start drooling all over my floor. I know I look fabulous, no need to say anything. These bandages may not be the most fashionable, but I'll live." I wink at him as I put on my earrings.

"Wanna make a bet and test your patience?"

"I'm listening, now spill."

"Alright, I bet you can't make it past 2o minutes or less, without getting into a catfight with my dad. He can be very obnoxious and quite often can be very offensive."

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