Chapter 81 - crash and burn

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Marcus's pov

I'm very wanted by the police because of that whole burning down an orphanage situation but I didn't do it. There were technically no survivors. These idiots are looking for someone to blame and that someone is me.

Of course, Billy called the one person who has a warrant for their arrest, if I'm spotted by police god knows how many years they'd give me for murder. Billy knows that if he called Esmerelda, she would rip them to shreds. Jayden would probably laugh in their faces or be locked up in there too.

As soon as I get to the station, I put on my hoodie and glasses, I see Billy and Lex behind bars in just their boxers. I start to die of laughter and take a picture of this moment.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, keep laughing, it's not funny." Lex scoffs.

"The least you guys can do is let me laugh out loud, especially when you guys have a 3,000 fine each that I have to pay. My laugh is free but can't say the same about your freedom huh?"

"Now you're starting to sound like Esmerelda, you were like this kind but sappy puppy and now you're like a k-9 trying to bite our heads off. She corrupted you."

"Do you guys want to be free or not? I can let you guys stay here for the night."

"YOU MONSTER!" Lex says while his head is against the bars.

I pay for them to get out and as we're leaving, several officers come rushing out and we immediately run to my car.

"DRIVE, DRIVE, DRIVE!" Lex yells from the back seat and we go driving off.

"Who's ever pledge you belong to, they are so going to kick your ass for getting arrested, but they aren't the problem, master Lin is."

Lex and Billy look at each other slowly with terror on their face, I drive off to Kings to Dominion and once we get there, Lin already standing at the door.

"Anything you low lives want to tell me? Or do you want me to beat it out of you? Your choice, Marcus you can go in now, I'll deal with them." I look back at them and head towards the dorm, this is not going to end well.

End of pov.....

There we are waiting, in silence, he hasn't said a word and panicking eternally. I get up to go get him a cup of tea, he despises coffee because he hates it decaf and is also lactose intolerant.

As soon as I get him a cup of tea, I see Xavier's mom covered in blood stains on her face and her eyes filled up with water.

"Que paso? Por que tienes sangre en toda la cara-" A familiar man comes being rushed into the hospital with blood gushing out, Xavier's eyes go wide when he realizes who it is.


"No one puts their hands on my daughter and thinks they're going to get away with it, how is she doing? Oh please tell me she's doing better."

"She's still unconscious, I can't believe this happened, she didn't do anything to deserve this."

"Xavier you should go back home and get some sleep, you look like you haven't slept in days."

"No, I need to stay here and protect her, if that bastard put his hands on her once who's to say he won't do it again."

"Xavier.... Mijo, I am your mother so that means I have to protect you, I don't give a crap that you're a grown man, you're still my little boy now go before I drag you out of here myself. I'll stay with your sister."

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