Chapter 77 - sit still and look pretty

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It was around 4 a.m., and I got changed into my all-black outfit, it was hard to get out of bed especially when Marcus was completely on top of me. I love that boy to death but it's nearly impossible to get out of his grip.

"Where are you going?" You can hear the rasp in his voice.

"Going to blow up a truck, wanna join me? After all, we don't have school today."

"Now you're speaking my language, I'm in." He gets changed fast and luckily my window leads to outside. The camera can't see it though which is plus.

I open up my window slowly and hand him the bag of supplies so I can go down the first set of railings.

"Please don't break your neck." I plead.

"I'm doing good so far, shit it's slippery." He finally jumps off the last set of stairs and makes it safely to the ground.

"Why exactly are we burning a truck?"

"You know how this works, I'll tell you when we get there so you don't try to convince me to not go through with it."

We walk there while it's still dark outside and once we get there, I look around to find the truck number that we need to find.

"Why are we a car dealer, I thought we were burning up a truck?"

"Really Marcus? What truck did you think I meant?" The realization finally hits him.

"Wait, we're not going to kill anyone right?" He looks at me and a sinister smile grows on my face.

"That's if someone gets in our way, haven't put the pieces together yet? Marcus, that truck was also your birthday gift but something happened on the way and I threatened the guy that if it wasn't delivered yesterday I was going to burn down the truck that he owns."

"You don't have to do that, Esme. As much as I'm grateful for it, do you always have to resort to violence all the time?" He whispers his question and I turn my head towards him.

"Well, that's how they learn not to take my threat lightly. At least I'm not going to kill him, yet. Now that beauty over there is yours." I point at the truck and his eyes go wide.

"Holy fuck." He says.

"But I'll give you the choice since I'm feeling generous, either we take your truck and leave or we burn the driver's truck down and take yours too. Your choice."

"Do we have to set it on fire? Was he an asshole?"

"Yes, and a pervert-"

"May I do the honors?" He grabs the gasoline and lighter and makes his way to the guy's truck.
I already bought Marcus's truck but they can't know who I am so I arranged for someone to pick it up for me but this asshole does not know who I am and what I'm capable of doing. He was hired anonymously.

I go up to Marcus Truck to see if there are any trackers, I have no patience and I paid this guy a decent amount of money. I grab the keys and start the car, I see large flames coming out of that car, Marcus starts to run and out of nowhere, guards start to come out.

"Start the car, start the car!" He yells, he jumps and we drive off, laughing.

"You are a bad influence on me."

"You enjoyed it though, didnt you?"

"Definitely, dammit it's starting to rain hard, pull over Esmerelda, it's starting to get dangerous to keep driving."

"Thank you for giving me the best birthday ever, after my parents passed, I didn't think that I would ever feel happy again but then I met you."

"Awww Marcus, trust me this is nothing, you know I'm a big gift giver but I appreciate it. You're too cute when you get all happy, now what do we do? The school is like a ten-minute walk from here, I would say make a run for it but your truck would most likely be robbed."

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