Chapter 17 - life of a party animal

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Esmerelda's outfit

Esmerelda's outfit

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Marcus's outfit

Marcus's outfit

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"Let's go."

"Weren't you going to hang out with Maria and saya?"

"Maria ditched us, she went with Chico either way I wasn't going to pass this up. I really have to find a way to get her away from her psychotic boyfriend."

"You mean "we" have to find away."

Esmerelda chuckles

"You know if Maria wasn't my cousin I wouldn't be helping her."

"Hold on you two are cousins? Since when?"

"Her father was a santos, he changed his name to Salazar because he didn't want to endanger his family. I was their when they were killed. I was with my tío I was about 8 years old."

"Shit that must of been traumatizing."

"It was but it did some serious damage to Maria though. Well we're here, lucky for us we don't have to wait in line, cmon let's go."

They enter in and they hear the music blasting extremely loud, they could barely hear each other.

"Oh shit chase Atlantic, that's fucking dope."

"I know I listen to their songs daily."

( these are the songs that are playing)

(Their are more songs but I'm lazy)

"That's was fucking awesome." Marcus says

"It really was and you said we shouldn't go."

"I take it all back. Thank you soooo much!"

Marcus starts to give her tons of small kisses.

"Your welcome."

Esmerelda gets a call, she picks it up.


"Yes, what Can i do for you?"

"I have a job for you."

"Alright, what's this job your offering me?"

"I recently lost a sapphire and I was hoping you'd find it for me."

"What made you lose it? Or did someone steal it for you?"

"It was stolen by the king pin of crimes, kairi Salvatore."

"Well that sure sounds fun, where'd you lose it."

"In Las Vegas."

"Good to know, do have any idea where it might be?and my price is 4 grand."

"What? Fuck no bitch I rather do it myself, there's no way I'm giving you 4 grand."

"Fine, i hope to see you rot in jail, mr. Maroni or in a grave."

"Okay, okay fine but if I don't get my sapphire back in 5 days I'll kill your fucking ass."

"It's adorable how your threatening me as if Im scared. who knows maybe I'll kill you first, Im going to give you a piece of advice. Never underestimate me or threaten me, i have eyes and ears everywhere. I could shoot a bullet your skull right now if I wanted to. Have a good day mr. Maroni, until we meet again."

"Who was that?" Marcus said

"No one, I got another job, this dumbass really thought he could threaten me."

"How much is he giving you?"

"4 grand, now that is worth it."

"Let's go back to get some sleep, I'm so tired."

"It's only 1 am"

"Okay so? I need some sleep. Your stay with me tonight, I have my whole room to myself."

"I'll have to take you up on that offer, either way my room is at the end of hall and I don't feel like walking that far."

They soon get to the school and they back to his dorm.

"See now you have your own drawer with all your clothes now."

"I feel like you did this more for you, so I don't have to send you to my room to go get my clothes."

"You are correct, that's exactly why I did it."

"Shit I forgot I have a test tomorrow for master Lin's class. I'm so going to fail, oh well." Esmerelda says while shrugging her shoulders.

"You're really are reckless."

"I don't get how you get such good grades. Half of the time I'm falling asleep."

"How about after last period I tutor you."

"Fine, but if I don't understand it then I'm giving up."

"Alright, we're having a roof party tomorrow. You should come."

"Can't, I have plans with saya and Maria. We're going clubbing.

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