Chapter 42 - who the hell is this guy?

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"Get your things, Marcus, we're leaving right now, we can't be fucking late."

"Alright, alright."

We make our way to my car and drive off to King's Dominion. We were supposed to be back yesterday but since we had a few "plans" it got in our way. Yes, king's dominion was destroyed but Master Lin realized he had nothing to lose anymore due to the loss of his daughter and decided to run the school again.

Once we get there I park my car and grab my bag, my shoulder is still sore so I have to take it easy.

"Esmerelda! Oh my god, I haven't seen you in forever." She pulls me into a hug causing her to make me whine in pain.

"Oww, Maria we just saw each other yesterday."

"Whatever, anyways the school has some new hotties, I know your with Marcus but you still have a chance to escape." She loops her arm around mines.

"I fucking heard that!" Marcus yell.

"No, you didn't!" She laughs.

"I'll see you in class, I have to make a stop by the locker."

I go to my locker and see a guy leaning on it while smoking a cigarette. I've never seen him before, must be a newbie.

"Move along druggie, I need to get to my locker."

He looks down at me and blows smoke in my face.

"Don't make me move you, it's going to hurt you a lot more than it's gonna hurt me."

"Well aren't you a firecracker, and you are? I'd sure as hell remember a face like yours." He rakes his fingers through his hair.

"Am I supposed to be flattered? You don't need to know my name, so move."

He shows off his smile and chuckles, he gets rid of his cigarette and winks at me then walks away.

What the hell was that? Ugh, what's wrong with guys these days? He's not exactly bad looking but he is a jerk.

Now I'm late to AP black arts, great! I go into class and of course, I get stuck with the worst chair ever. I have to sit next to that douchebag.

"Looks like fate puts us together once again." He says while writing down notes.

"Just shut up."

"Your not very nice, you look like the type of girl who'd be more welcoming."

"Well, you must be in the wrong school cheekbones, if anything you'd be marked for death at this school."

"I'm not stupid, obviously I know what the hell goes on in this school. Whether it's the horny teens or the drugs that are being cooked up in this hell hole. It's no different than regular old high school, except they encourage us to kill someone."

"Sounds like you're getting the hang of it, so what exactly is your affiliation? Let me guess gang member?"

"Very funny, I gotta give it to you. I'm a prep, my dad is the head of the FBI."

"You know for someone who does a shit ton of drugs, you don't exactly fit the profile of being a prep. Mostly because you look like a loner that likes to fuck every other girl in the school and  got sent to juvie at least five times."

"Well you look like a girl who has daddy issues and doesn't care who she rips apart, so let me guess your with the Soto Vatos?"

"I'm offended, You think I'm gonna tell you? Nahhh, you'll find out soon enough, anyways goodbye."

Marcus comes up to me and wraps his arm around my shoulder. I can tell that his death staring at me, how pathetic.

This is Andrew btw

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