Chapter 69 - early morning talk

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While sleeping next to Marcus, I get the sudden urge to throw up, I get up and run towards the bathroom. I throw up and I can feel Marcus hold my hair up, after everything comes out of me I brush my teeth. Then I started coughing badly, he checked my forehead with the back of my hand.

"Your burning up." I hit his hand away from me and try to go back to my room.

"Where are you going? You just threw up and you have a fever."

"I'm going back to my room, I don't want to get you sick." As I open my room door, he follows me inside. My voice is mostly gone, I sound like I'm dying.

"I'm going to take care of you, I don't care if I get sick. Please you'll be doing me a favor."

"Not funny, can you pass me the vapor rub from my nightstand?" I rub it on my chest and inhale it as much as I can.

"Move over, I'm not leaving you here by yourself." I can barely sleep the entire night, I've been in pain, coughing all night mean while Marcus somehow sleeps like a baby.

Once he falls asleep it's extremely hard to wake him up, it's around 4 am and I try to read a book to fall asleep but it doesn't work. I turn on the TV and watch my very much-adored telenovelas, gotta love the drama, Marcus barely knows Spanish but when he speaks it, it's hilarious.

He catches on fast, although he can barely speak it. When he watches a telenovela with me god does he love it, that's one of his favorite things to do when he's bored besides drawing. He loves the drama, the exaggeration, the sadness, and the love stories, it's a secret that no one knows except me.

As he's laying my arms, I can feel him start to move, I look down to him rubbing his eyes.

"Is that what I think it is?" he wakes up immediately and sits up with his arm around me

"Yep, that's why your up? I just knew you couldn't miss this, I feel like I haven't slept in ages and I look like I just got ran over by a truck."

"It hurts that bad? You barely say if your in physical pain, you just keep it to yourself. Is it your stomach that hurts?" He looks at me and I look away from him.

"When I told you about my pregnancy, I hadn't seen you that happy in such a long time. You want me to keep the fetus, don't you?" I can't seem to look at him but his hand turns my face towards him.

"Not if you don't want to, I have no say in this except to be able to support you in whatever your decision is. We have time to figure that out in the future not now and if we don't ever get that chance again, I'm okay with that." He kisses the top of my head and I kiss his cheek.

"I'm hoping my family doctor doesn't find out about this in my records. After all those records are like a long book that can be turned into a serial killer documentary. God made this world beautiful but he made me violent, it's people like me that ruin this world."

"You did what you had to do to survive, there's no such thing as being innocent anymore."

"First I'm in charge of a drug trade, somehow easing people's pain but making them addicts at the same time. Taking people's lives, and the own life of the fetus in my body, I believe I earned my place in hell but I don't regret a single thing I've done even if I'm worse than Chester."

"You are nothing like that piece of shit, you hear me? You have a heart and I've seen it, that's why I fell in love with you. You're not like these rich psychotic assholes, I truly know who you are now it's time for you to realize that you're not a monster but have been hurt by one."

"You believe that? It is wrong of me to enjoy my job and its purpose?"

"No, you were sorta born into it, look where you are. You've made this world your bitch, everyone is scared of you, and they want you in every way possible. That's gotta mean something to you."

"It's funny to me, people want me either dead for themselves, Makes me wonder how I'm still alive."

"Me too, but it's a good thing you are, I feel like if you were gone, hell would rain on earth and I need you here."

"You changed me Marcus, I didn't even know I was capable of having feelings, I kind of went awol on being a teenager because I grew up too fast. Looks like we both did, after all the shit you were put through I still don't know how you manage to still see the good in people."

"Having hope is what keeps me going, and you. I'm glad that you hit my face with your locker, if not we would have probably never talked to each other." We both laugh our asses off.

"What were people warning you about? Let me guess, that I was some raging maniac?"

"That's a nicer way to put it, but yes."

"Well, do you still think I'm some rich plastic Barbie whose only talent is asking Daddy for money? Cause baby I think that you can confirm that I'm 100% natural but you got the rich part right."

"It was a stupid thing for me to say, I assumed that everyone here was the same, majority of the girls here are legacies and come from rich families."

"You never spoke about what your family before the incident happened, Tell me, what were they like?"

"Pretty great, we immigrated here when I was five from Nicaragua, so that's my Spanish sucks. They both were able to speak both languages fluently, they were the best parents I can ask for. They would have probably kicked me out of the house if they found out what I was doing."

"What exactly is your plan when you get out of here?"

"I'll figure it out, The reason why I ended up here was because of my fake rep and it was better than ending up in jail."

"You do know that you are still a part of the Santos right? Unless you do want to of course."

"Working as what? I fucking suck at combat and dealing isn't exactly in my book. I don't want to be there only because we're dating, what about my comic store with Billy? He loves that place."

"So you want the full initiation? That could kill your Marcus."

"I want to be able to prove myself, that I can do this and I didn't get a free pass. I'm not going be disrespected by them Esmerelda, tell your uncle I'll do it."

"Fine, there's no point trying to convince you otherwise, but I'm not going to see you suffer and be beaten to death. I'll have Jayden be there to stand there in my place, I'll train you in combat because I think you'll be fine with everything else."

I don't want him to go through with this, I don't want to see him die. My people are going to take advantage of the situation and kill him, they know what he has done in the past and this is the one thing I can't protect him from. He doesn't know how dangerous this is, only 20 percent of people survive from the initiation. I want to have hope but I know this isn't going to end well.

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