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Ariana's pov

I woke up hungry, my growling stomach made it official. I decided to walk down stairs,but hesitated at the same time. I didn't want to get punished. I finally decided to take a risk and walk down stairs. "Sleep well doll?" Louis asked. "Yup. But I'm really hungry."I said. " okay I guess I'll go make you something." Louis said getting up. 'Well that was strange...' I thought. He's actually being nice. Should I be worried? He came back with cereal,eggs,and bacon. "Here you go doll." he said then kissed my cheek. "T-thanks." I said surprised by his actions. Is he bipolar I mean just two nights ago he beat me,and now he's making me food and kissing my cheek. Is he in his man period or something?

As I was walking up stairs Niall decided to trip me. I fell face first on the cold,dirty floor. He sat there laughing and laughing,and then just walk right past me. Well it's good to know the others guys are acting normal. Note the sarcasm.

I got up and went to my room being bored as ever. Suddenly Zayn burst through the door "Come on doll we gotta go pack all your stuff and meet us in the living room." I nodded and he have me a suitcase. I didn't have much just some shirts,sweatpants,undergarments,and other stuff a girl needs. If you know what I mean. I wonder where we're going.

As I made my way down the steps I saw all the boys with guns and I was about to flip until Harry said "they're not for you doll." I didn't realize I was holding my breath until I started gasping for air. They all started laughing and Louis gave me a wierd look. I just shrugged it off. "Ok enough time wasted let's go!" Zayn screamed. Once again like the day I got kidnapped I was getting pushed in that stupid range rover.

"Okay give her a gun." Liam said "Wait w-what." Without saying a word they gave me a gun. We drove for about twenty minutes. We finally stopped. Multiple cars pulled up and surrounded us front and back. "Zayn you take Ariana with you." Everyone got out of the car and It was just me and Zayn. "Okay your going to have to shoot some people. Don't worry it's not really bad cause they want to kill you..." I just nodded. After we were out of the van we ran behind an abandoned car. Zayn was shooting person after person and I was frozen.

"It's ok to be scared doll just shoot." Zayn said. The gunfire stopped a man came up to us and said "oh this will be easy I'll kill you first then get the girl." He said. Zayn looked worried which was a reason for me to be worried too. Gunfire went off. I looked over to see Zayn shot just above his wrist. Zayn screamed out in pain. "Now your turn girl." He said. Before he could even move I shot him in the stomach. He fell to the ground screaming. The boys ran out and helped me get Zayn to the car. He was screaming and sweat was dripping off his face. "Can you do stitches?" Harry asked I nodded yes. "Good you'll have to take care of Zayn." Harry said.

When we got home I asked if they have a medical kit. Of course they said yes because they're in a gang. "Ok hold him down." I yelled getting their attention fast. "Zayn this is going to hurt a little,but I need you to stay calm and don't move. Here." I said handing him a towel to bite on. As soon as the needle pierced his skin he screamed out in agony and jerked his arm up. "Guys I need you to hold him down!" I yelled. They soon held him by his arms,legs and stomach. After I was done the boys dragged him to his room. I checked in on him. "How you doing?" I asked. "Well besides all the pain I feel right now I'm fine." I nodded and brought him some food and water.

"When can I see Ashton again?" I asked Louis. "Why do you care?" He yelled. I backed down. It was almost as if Louis were jealous. Today has been a strange day for sure...      [Chloe waz here]

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