I'll die loving you.

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Ariana's pov

After getting up and cleaning all my wounds,i decided to watch some tv. I sat on the couch flipping through what seemed like millions of channels. Only one thing caught my attention. 'Miss Ariana Hicks was last seen walking home from Starbucks. Her parents say she returned home for one night but was gone the next morning,her window left open. Her parents are offering a reward to bring her ho-'

I turned the tv off mid-sentence breaking down in sobs. "Yeah you really shouldn't watch the new doll." Louis low,dull voice said from the doorway of the kitchen. I turned my head to look at him for a second and then turned my head looking down at my lap. Louis walked over to me sitting on the couch. He crabbed my chin making me look at him. "Did I do that?" He asked smirking,looking at my wounds. I didn't answer. "Huh." He said wanting me to answer him.

Instead if answering him I got up and started to walk off. "Answer me." Louis said grabbing my wrist. I winced and tried to pull out of his grip. "I said answer me." he hissed. "Y-yes." I said quiet enough to were he could barely hear me. "Speak louder." he demanded "yes." I said wiggling out if his grip and walking away

"Hey babe." I said to Ashton as I walked in the room. "Hey what do you want to do- wait what happened to your arms?" He asked getting out of bed and waking over to me. "N-nothing." I lied. "I know your lying. You stutter when you lie." he said. I shook my head not trusting my mind. He slipped his finger under my chin making me look up. "What happened to your f-face?" He asked. I sighed not wanting to answer. "I got beat." I whispered hoping he couldn't hear me. Thankfully he didn't. "What speak up." he said. Oh no. "I got beat." I said a little louder. "Louis." he hissed clenching his fist at his sides.

He ran out the door and down the stairs. I stayed in the room and started crying. I heard a this down stairs and panicked,remembering what happened last time. I ran down stairs to see Louis holding a gun to Ashton's head. "Ashton!" I cried looking at him then Louis. "Don't" I said through gritted teeth. "Oh and why would I?" Louis spat. I shook my head. "Kiss me and I won't kill him." Louis said smirking. "Don't do it Ariana." Ashton said. "Ashton I want to save you." I cried. "Don't do it." he said once again his voice getting softer. "But you're going to die." I whispered a tear rolling down my cheek. "I'll die loving you." he said.

(A/N) haha cliffhanger!!! Congratulations to ChloeHicks677 !!! You are the beautiful Ariana. I hope you don't hate me but she fitted Arabians best! You are all still beautiful. And I really wanted to update today instead of Friday. So competition ended early. I'm so sorry. Do you think she'll kiss Louis. Or will Ashton convince her to let him die loving her? Well you just had to wait till next time! Love you pandas!!!!!!! Bye!!!!

(P.S. Ima start calling you guys and gals pandas!)

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