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(A/N) so I'm listening to Titanium. So if there's wierd crap in here sorry lol! My story kinda confuses me so it's okay if you don't get it either! ;)

Ariana's pov

Louis is acting wierd. Could he possibly be jealous that I wanted to see Ashton. Ashton's my friend I don't like him like that. Wow who knew being kidnapped involved drama,with my kidnapper.

Just as I was thinking Ashton walked in the room. "Ashton!!!" I screamed and tackled him in a hug. He instantly hugged back. "Hey Ariana,where are the boys?" "Well Louis is on the couch." I said. "No he's not." Ashton pointed out. 'What the heck he was just there' I thought. "Well I don't know then." I said. He nodded. "Hey can we talk?" I asked Ashton. He nodded.

"Okay so I asked Louis when I could see you again,cause you know your my best friend,and Louis got mad like he was jealous..." I said. "Well I don't have a clue what that's about but,yay your my best friend!!" I started to giggle. Being kidnapped actually isn't so bad. I mean they don't beat me anymore,unless they come home drunk which rarely happens,I have a best friend,and I don't have to talk to the boys that scare the life out of me.

"Ariana get in here!" Zayn yelled. I looked to Ashton frightened and he have me the same look. "Yes." I said walking in the kitchen. "What did you do to Louis?!" He yelled at me. "I-I don't know what y-you're talking a-about." I stuttered. "Oh please. He talked to you and now he won't even come out of his room!" He roared. "Hey!Don't yell at me have you forgotten that I stitched your arm and killed someone for you. Also I served you while you were sick-" I got cut off mid sentence when Zayn slapped me. Ok so I guess I jinxed myself they still do beat me. I looked at him with pure hate. 'Don't you dare show him your terrified!' My mind told me. I started walking away but Zayn grabbed my wrist and yanked me back to him. He hit me multiple times but I refused to cry. Ashton walked in. "What the hell are you doing?!" He yelled at Zayn pulling him off me. "Giving her what she deserves!" He spat.

"Come on." Ashton said. Picking me up bridal style and carrying me to the bathroom. "This will sting a little." He said. I nodded not wanting to speak ,cause I knew I'd cry. I screamed out in pain as the cloth touched my wound. "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry!" He said at least a thousand times before I stopped him. "Ashton,Ashton calm down it's not your fault!" I said. He nodded. Boy was he emotional!

------------------TIME SKIP---------------

"Louis." I said as I knocked on his door. "What do you want?"he asked. "Let me talk to you." I said. Seconds later the door opened. "What happened?" He asked looking at my injuries. "Zayn." I said and pushed passes him sitting on his bed. "Louis,earlier when I asked about Ashton you got jealous...why?" I asked. I saw Louis tense up. "It's not easy to explain." He said. "Then tell me and I'll make sense of what I can." I said.
"It's not that easy."
"Yes it is Louis,now tell me!"
"Louis please tell-" I was cut of mid sentence when Louis said.
"I love you ok!" He screamed. I stood frozen. My kidnapper loves me.
"I love you..." he said a lot quieter.

(A/N) do you think he actually loves her or is this some sick prank. You'll see at the end of this story!! So you have to keep reading to find out of the boys put him up to it or does he really love her?

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