Later babe

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Ari's pov

"Thank God your ok." Lexi whispered in my ear as she hugged me tightly. "I smiled and wrapped my arms around her waist. I just hope they don't see the marks on my neck. After she let go I watched her wipe some tears as I slowly backed away. I turned and grabbed Luke's hoodie. Slipping it on, I made sure my hair covered my neck. The hoodie did a pretty good job but just in case.

"Why are you wearing a hoodie?" Liam asked. "I'm cold?" I answered or more like questioned. "It's July and its 95 degrees outside. You aren't cold." Ashton said blankly. "Show them." Luke mumbled. I slowly shook my head no. "Show them." He said more sternly this time. "Do I have to?" I asked my voice cracking with every word I spoke. I felt my heart drop as Luke nodded yes.

I slipped the hoodie off and moved my hair. I heard a few gasps, but I didn't dare look at them. I slowly got the courage and looked up at them. Some eyes I saw were filled with tears,some were filled with anger and some looked like they could kill someone. But that job was already done. I feel so bad. I took two lives. It's not a big thing to them,they do it all the time! But me? I've killed one person. One. And here I am killing my ex's friends.

"You're covered in blood. Are you ok?" Zayn asked looking for any cuts. I looked at Luke before running upstairs. The guilt was killing me alive. I felt like I kicked a puppy. I sat down on Luke's bed with shaky hands, I pulled the bloodied shirt off my body. I looked at a few bruises here and there before rushing to put on a new shirt and some shorts.

I looked at my appearance. My face was speckled with blood as were my hands. I tried to wipe it off but it seemed as if more blood kept coming. Soon my face felt like fire. I screamed falling to the floor and hugging my knees as close as I could to my body. "Ari unlock this door!" Luke shouted. I wanted to open the door, believe me. But I can't. My hands shook violently as I stared at the Crimson color of blood on my hands.

Luke got in somehow. I'm guessing he unlocked the door but I don't really care. "What happened?" He asked. "M-my hands and fa-face are covered in bl-blood. And I kept wiping and wiping but it seemed like more was falling and it felt like I cut my face a-and I-I" Luke cut me off hugging me tightly. "There's nothing there. Your face isn't covered in blood nor is your hands." Luke whispered. "I-I'm going in-insane!" I sobbed clutching to his shirt.

s "No don't say that. Your just scared." He whispered. I closed my eyes tightly and loosened my grip on Luke. "D-don't leave." I whispered as I felt him start to move. "I'm not." He assured. He lifted me up laying me on what I guess was the bed. In all honesty it could be cement and I would sleep on it. "I love you." Luke whispered in my ear. I smiled and hid my face in his chest. I fell asleep to the steady beat of his heart.

"I feel she should come home with me." I heard Louis argue. "She's my girlfriend!" Luke shouted defensively. What? Why are they talking about this? "Shutup!" I shouted. "Well fine who do you want to go with!?" Luke shouted as both men tumbled in the room. "I want to stay with you," "See she wants to stay here!" Luke grumbled. "You didn't let me finish." I choked. Luke turned to me with eyes full of sorrow while Louis' were filled with hope. "I love you and want to stay with you but, its best if my kids grow up with their original father. I don't want them worrying which parents house they're going to first on holidays. I'm sorry." I whispered looking to Luke.

"Its ok. You're doing whats best for you and the kids. If that makes you happy then i'm happy." Luke whispered, his eyes filling with tears. "I'll give you two some space." Louis whispered leaving. "Don't ever cut, drink, or any of that! Promise me." I pleaded. Luke stayed silent staring at the wall. "P-Promise?" I asked trying to keep my tears from falling. Luke hugged me and I sighed running my fingers through his hair. "I-I can't pr-promise." Luke whispered in my ear. "Yes you can and you will!" I choked hugging him tighter.

"lets go." I whispered pulling away from the hug. "What?" He asked. "Just c'mon." I mumbled pulling him up. "I know where your razors are, Ashton told me." I sighed picking up the large box and shoving them in a garbage bag. "Y-you can't d-do tha-that!" He shouted trying to get them back. "Oh and this this one." I mumbled pulling the one out from under his towels. Luke looked at me with teary eyes. "I need them." He whispered while I threw away the rest. I shook my head no. Walking down the hall, I felt eyes on me and Luke.

I tied up the garbage bag and threw away the razors. I then went to the cabinets and grabbed every bottle of liquor I saw. "What are you doing?" Luke whispered. "I won't let you get drunk and cut." I whispered pouring the liquor into the sink. Michael, Ashton, and Calum watched me with wide eyes. No one had stood up to Luke like this, showing him what not to do. Luke nodded and walked sluggishly back to his now harmless room.

"I'll meet you guys out in the car." I whispered motioning for them to leave. "Michael, you will always be my favorite punk rock, hair changing, Green Day loving, nerd. Never change." I smiled hugging him tightly. "Ok but um I still need my Green Day shirts back. You basically took half my wardrobe." Michael chuckled. "Ofcourse." I laughed. "Thank you. " Ashton whispered. "You helped him." Ashton added. "Keep wearing those bandanas and maybe people will realize you're a 3 year old trapped in a 22 year old body." I joked.

"Wait you knew I'm trapped! Why didn't you help me. Because they make fun of my me for watching teletubbies like everyday." Ashton fake pouted. I rolled my eyes and pulled him into a hug. "Yeah never change. Luke needs you like this." I whispered. Ashton pulled back and looked me in the eyes, nodding. "Calum you look like a puppy and therefore you get the role of taking care of Ketchup." I laughed. "My pleasure. I'm like the king of dogs anyways so." He joked sassily. "Luke's gonna need you too." I whispered hugging him.

"I'll miss you guys." I whispered opening the door. "Tell Luke i'll always love him." I whispered looking at Ashton, who just sent me a wink and nod. "I'll come over sometime." I laughed picking up my bags. "Promise?" Michael asked. "Pinky promise." I chuckled. "Oh snap can't escape us now!" Calum teased. "I love you guys I swear!" I giggled wiping tears from my eyes. "Bye guys." I whispered walking out the door. "Bye!" they chorused with waves. "Lets go home." I whispered sitting next to Z.

"I'm sorry." Louis whispered. I shook my head no but didn't say anything. Leaving someone you love hurts. But leaving Luke hurt badly. He could kill himself because of me. I want him to be happy! I sniffled burying my face in my hands. No one said anything to me. For that I was happy. I didn't want to talk. I'm honestly still debating if I should go back. I've gotten so close to them and I already miss them.

I picked my head up from my hands, seeing we were already there. I unbuckled my seatbelt and grabbed my bags. I stepped out of the car throwing the bags on my shoulders and picking up Z. I rushed to the front door opening it and ran to my old room. I set Z on the bed with one of his toys. Sitting on the edge of the bed I thought about Luke. What if I didn't get all his razors? What if he gets more liquor? What if he gets more razors?

I choked on a sob and hid my head in my hands. "Ari?" Louis' voice questioned through the door. I Didn't answer him but looked at the door. "let me in." He demanded. I stayed still, picking at my nails. Louis unlocked the door and came in to talk to me. "watch him." I whispered walking out of the room . I walked straight to the bathroom looking in the mirror. I turned on the water and washed the blood of my hands and face.

I watched as the water turned a faded pink color before turning clear again. I gasped and jumped, looking at mirror. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." Louis chuckled. I just shook my head and dried my hands and face. "Are you ok?" He asked. "Fan-fucking-tastic!" I shouted. Louis narrowed his eyes at me and frowned. "Well I thought you would be fine." Louis mumbled. "I can't be ok! I just left the person I love. Trust me, he didn't make as many mistakes as you did! He didn't hurt me, cheat on me, hit me, he loved me and treated me like a lady! And you- you treat me like trash. You're not even mad when I leave or anything. If you really love me you would come after me. Luke self harms because of me and I don't want it to happen! I left him for my children's sake. I love him so much and I wish I never left him! I want to go back. With him and raise my family with him! But I care about my children and I want them a stable life. He could be a much better father than you ever could!" I shouted glaring at him.

Louis looked taken back. His eyes glazed with tears. "So all of it was a lie? You never loved me. You did all this our kids." He asked. "Yes." I whispered. "You have no right to say i'm not a good father! For anything you're a terrible mother! Moving our kids from one place to another. Yeah some stable life!" Louis shouted. "Stop yelling at me! We're not married nor dating so shut up! Don't tell me how to raise my children! MY not ours but MY!-" " Don't you fucking dare say i'm not the father! You're such a bitch! These kids must think the same!" Louis growled.

I slapped Louis with all the power I could muster. "Don't start with your shit." I spat between gritted teeth. Louis grabbed my neck slamming me against a wall. "Keep running that mouth and there will be no more of you." He growled. I kneed Louis in the groin. "Don't ever lay your hands on me again. Some man you are. Just like Austin, Matt, Taylor, Nash, shall I go on?" I growled leaving the bathroom. I felt a hand wrap around my arm and pull me back. "Stop running away! That's all you ever do is run!" Louis complained. "Well maybe I run to get away from past mistakes, like you." I spat.

Louis threw me to the wall, watching me fall. "Shut up." He growled kicking me. I turned so he kicked my back instead of my stomach. "S-stop." I whispered the pain becoming to much to bare. Louis stopped and stared at me. I slowly attempted to get up. I fell back to the floor pain shooting through my back. I gasped as water pooled around me. "G-go get Za-zayn!" I panicked. "Why?" He asked. G-Go!" I shouted. I watched as he left and Zayn soon walked in. I pointed to the floor with one hand while the other was placed on my stomach.

"Ok calm down." He mumbled picking me up. I cried out feeling the pain in my back getting worse. "How far along are you?" He asked. "7 mon-months." I whispered. "You're early, what happened?" He asked. I shrugged not wanting to tell him the truth. "Ari what happened? Your face is covered in blood." Zayn gasped. "I told you I killed them." I whispered. "This blood is fresh." Zayn mumbled, closing the door.

"Do you want anyone?" Zayn asked. "Lexi." I mumbled trying to ignore the pain. Zayn gave me a look but brought Lexi up anyways. "His fault." I whispered in her ear. Lexi gave me a knowing look before leaving. I looked to Zayn, watching as he grabbed a needle. "Pain medication." He muttered .

Lexi's pov

"You're a heartless monster." I spat shoving Louis' chest. Niall gave me a look telling me to calm down, but I ignored it. "Some man you are. Shes hurting badly." I spat getting in his face. "Watch your fucking mouth. She started it and got herself into this." Louis growled. "You sound like you're 3! Because of you shes in early labor!" I shouted. "Does it look like I care?" He muttered. "You're a piece of shit and that's all you'll ever be!" I shouted slapping him.

Louis grabbed my hands and gritted his teeth. "Don't. Fucking. Touch. Me." He spat through gritted teeth. "What are you going to do? Beat me like you did Ari? News flash, I've already lost a baby! She could lose this one and it would be all your fault! You don't even care and sometimes everyone here wishes you would just die-" "I said shut up!" He shouted. I gasped feeling a sting on my cheek.

"That's enough! Both of you!" Niall growled, pulling me back by my wrists. "She'll be fine and so will that baby." Niall said calmly. "Fine? Her face was pouring blood shes in labor and shes scared. Is this some kind of joke to you? Because I don't know about you but she doesn't seem FINE!" I shouted glaring at Niall. Everyone looked at me gawking. "Its all your fault. The day you die will be the best day of my life." I growled pointing at Louis.

"Lexi!" Niall shouted. I looked at him glaring and wriggling out of his grip. "She needs you." I whispered in Liam's ear. Liam slowly got up and left. I sat down and sighed. "Want to come hit me Louis? Y'know break the tension, because you can clearly cut it with a knife." I spat. "I don't go around hitting women. Only the ones that deserve it." He growled. "Y'know sometimes I still wish you would have left me alone. That you would have let me stay with my real boyfriend and family. I loved them a lot more than I do you guys! Sometimes I wish Ari would have let you die in those stupid gang fights!" I spat.

"Lexi go to your room." Niall spat. "You're not my mom, don't act like it. Ofcourse I don't even know if shes alive because you fucking kidnapped me!" I shouted. Niall picked me up glaring at me. "If you don't put me down I swear." I growled. Niall rolled his eyes and kept walking. I slapped Niall watching a red spot appear on his face. Niall set me down looking in my eyes before repeating my actions. "Just like Louis. And to think, I thought you all changed." I spat walking off.

Ari's pov

"Is she healthy?" I asked Zayn. "Shes just fine don't worry." He smiled handing me her. I smiled looking at her face. Her dark hair and thin lips made her look like me. "Whats her name?" He asked. "Hailey Elizabeth." I smiled. "Cute middle name." Liam whispered. I let Liam hold her. I watched happily as she yawned and cooed.

"I'm so tired." I laughed closing my eyes. "go to sleep." Liam laughed. "Mm k." I hummed. I heard Liam chuckle before covering me up. I felt relieved knowing she was ok and everything was alright. I yawned a few more times before finaly falling asleep.

"Shes so tiny." Lexi cooed. "I know. I'm just glad she survived." I whispered, sitting up on many pillows, holding Hailey to my chest. "Can I?" Lexi asked. I smiled and nodded, letting her hold the small baby. "I'm scared." I whispered looking at my hands. "Why?" Lexi asked, brushing her hand over Hailey's thick, dark hair. "Hailey is much smaller than Z. She needs more help than he does and I'm afraid i'll mess up." I whispered looking at Hailey grab Lexi's finger. "You always mess up, but I need to tell you something. We all mess up." Lexi smiled.

I sighed watching as Louis walked in the room. Lexi gave me a look and I hesitantly nodded. Lexi sighed but nodded. She stood up handing me Hailey before slowly leaving. "You worried me." Louis mumbled sitting down. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Well it sure didn't seem like it when you sent me into early labor and hit Lexi." I spat.

"Can I hold her?" He asked. I looked at Louis and sighed. "She looks just like you." He whispered. I nodded, watching her tiny hands grab at his shirt. I winced as Hailey whined loudly. Louis stood up and handed her to me before letting Lexi in and leaving. "Can you help me please?" I asked. Lexi laughed and nodded holding Hailey as I fixed my hospital gown.

"Does breastfeeding hurt?" Lexi asked. "What kind of question is that?" I laughed watching Hailey. "Just wondering." She whispered. "Wait your not pregnant are you?" I asked. "No,no, I just wanted to know." She shrugged. "only if you do it wrong. There's a special way to do it I guess." I laughed. Me and Lexi looked at eachother, laughing at our awkward conversation.

"Knock, knock." Liam laughed. "You could have just actually knocked on the door." I sighed. Liam shrugged and placed Z on his hip. "I do things differently." "You don't know how wrong that sounds." I giggled. Liam rolled his eyes. "Well anyways Z demands to see his sister." Liam said sassily. "No he didn't, you just wanted to see her again." I laughed. "Ok, maybe, but Z still needs to meet her." Liam mumbled.

"C'mere." I giggled taking Z from Liam. Z sat on my lap, staring at his tiny sister. I smiled watching as he carefully poked her cheek. He looked so fascinated, it was adorable. "You used to be this small. Well maybe just a little bigger." I laughed letting Z see her. Hailey yawned and opened her eyes. Her dark brown eyes met Z's bright blue eyes.

Z started to giggle and started to grab at Hailey. "Here." I whispered putting Hailey in his arms. Ofcourse I knew he couldn't hold her well so I wrapped my arms around him. This is so cute." Liam squealed pulling out his phone. I rolled my eyes but smiled for the picture anyways. Then an idea popped into my head. "Lexi go get my phone!" I shouted shooing her out of the room.

"Why do you need it?" Liam asked. "I have to text Luke." I shrugged. "Are you sure that's a good idea?" Liam asked. I rolled my eyes and glared at Liam. "Are you sure you should be in here." I snapped. Liam looked taken back but put his hands up in defense. "Here." Lexi mumbled, shoving the phone in my hand.

Luke--> Ari: yes
Ari-->Luke: I had my baybay
Luke-->Ari: Sometimes I wonder if you're on drugs
Ari-->Luke: Be over in 10?
Luke--> Ari: See you then

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Lexi asked looking over my shoulder. "Whats with you and Liam? I want him to see Hailey." I snapped. "Don't be a bitch." Lexi muttered. I glared at Lexi. "Maybe I wouldn't be if I didn't see you." I spat. "At least i'm not the whore who goes from guy to guy." Lexi spat. "Bye!" Liam shouted slamming the door on his way out.

"Get out." I growled. "Happily." she smirked leaving. "Oh Luke what a surprise!" Lexi said sarcastically rolling her eyes. "just leave!" I shouted at her. Luke sat in bed with me and gave me a confused look. I shrugged and rolled my eyes. Luke smiled picking up Hailey and admiring her. "You had early labor, why?" Luke asked. "Louis." I shrugged leaning my head on Luke's shoulder. We sat in silence staring at the walls. "i didn't want to leave you know." I whispered. "I know. I didn't want you to leave." Luke frowned. "Maybe you could move in here!" I shouted smiling.

Luke scoffed and rolled his eyes. "I'm serious! We have four guest rooms not being used and you could stay with me! Just think about it!" I exclaimed. "I'll ask Louis!" I shouted, getting out of bed and walking around till I found him. "Louis can Luke, Michael, Ashton, and Calum move in with us." I begged. " You're supposed to be resting!" Louis scolded. "I'll rest if you say yes." I whined. "No." Louis sighed. "But we have the room! Luke could stay with me, and there is four guest rooms! Louis please!" I whined.

"I'll think about it." He sighed. "Great! So its a yes. I'll go tell Luke!" I shouted as I ran off. "Luke! You and Michael, Calum and Ashton can move in!" I shouted, wiggling my way into the bed. "Text them!" I mumbled, realizing I need to be quiet. "I texted them like 15 minutes ago. I figured you would find a way to let us stay." Luke chuckled, laying Hailey down gently in her little crib/ incubator thingy. Z sat up whining and grabbing at my hair. "What is it?" I asked picking him up.

Z yawned, rubbing his eyes. "Liam woke you up just as an excuse to see Hailey, didn't he?" I asked. Z stared at me, his eyes closing slowly before shooting back open. I laughed and cradled him to my chest. "This is probably one of the best days of my life." I whispered. "Why?" Luke asked staring at either Z or my boobs. I'm kinda hoping it was Z though. "Because I had a baby girl, and believe me we could use one. You and the boys are moving in and I have my boyfriend." I smiled. "Wait you got back together with Louis?" He asked sadly.

"No you ding-dong, we never broke up." I laughed. Luke furrowed his eyebrows together his mouth in and "o" shape. "So you're not dating Louis?" He asked. I Sighed,looking at Luke. "No stupid." I laughed. "Shes gonna love her uncle Mikey the best!" I heard Michael coo. "Bitch you stupid! She gonna love me!" Calum exclaimed. "Keep telling yourselves that." Ashton chuckled. "Can I?" Luke asked.

"Release the beasts." I laughed. Luke slowly opened the door. I laughed watching all three boys stumble in. "Where is she!?" Ashton shouted. "Shh!" I exclaimed. "Where is she!?" Michael whisper- shouted. I shook my head pointing in her direction. "Oops!" Calum shouted as he knocked over a table. "Fuck!" Michael exclaimed, hitting his foot against the pole of the crib. "MY shoe!" Ashton shouted, tripping over his shoe lace. Like can they not walk or something?

I sighed as Hailey cried loudly. "Wonderful." I whispered. "Hey its ok." Michael whispered cradling her. Hailey looked up at Michael, her eyes widening as she looked at his hair. "Michael." I mumbled. "Yes?" He whispered. "Why is your hair neon pink?" I asked. "I dye it every three months." He shrugged laughing at Hailey's amusement. Hailey calmed down and snuggled into Michael.

"I hope you know you said all those goodbyes for nothing." Ashton laughed. "I was right when I said you couldn't escape us." Calum smirked. "You're getting hella creepy." I chuckled. "So we'll just take your children and give you two some privacy." Ashton smirked, quirking an eyebrows. Ashton took Z, and all the boys left,Michael still with Hailey ofcourse.

Luke wiggled his eyebrow at me as they shut the door. I laughed and playfully punched his arm. "You aren't getting any." I laughed. Luke rolled over hovering above me. I smiled up at him and wrapped my arms around his neck. Luke leaned in and kissed me slowly. I sighed as he moved his lips down to my neck. "Luke we can't." I whispered. "I know." He whined collapsing his body on mine and nuzzling his face in my neck.

"But I really want to." He whispered kissing my neck again. I giggled and played with his hair. I looked to the door frame and my smile dropped. Louis was standing with his arms crossed glaring at us. "Um- Luke?" I coughed pushing at his chest. "what?" He asked kissing my cheek. "We have a visitor." I whispered. Luke quickly removed his lips from my cheek and laid back down in his original spot.

"I don't appreciate you trying to get it on right after she gave birth." Louis spat. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. "Whats it to you?" I asked sassily. "Good luck hiding those hickeys." Louis hissed before walking off. "Luke you didn't!" I gasped. "But I did." He smirked. "Luke!" I whined. "Save it for later baby." He teased. "Stop it!" I complained, feeling heat rise to my cheeks.

"But baby." Luke smirked batting his eyelashes. "Fuck you!" I shouted. "Later babe, I promise." He chuckled. I rolled my eyes hitting his chest.

(A/N) Hey guys! You lost all hope in me didn't you? Well heres a really long chapter I've been working on! Hope you like it! I think that's it. I love you guys! Bye PANDAS!!!!

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