Meet the rest of the gang!

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Ariana's pov

I yawned and rolled over,trying to spread out but hitting Louis in the face. "Oops!" I whispered. Louis groaned and bit m finger. "Ow! Louis what the actual fuck?!" I yelled. "You hit me first." He grumbled. "It was an accident." I giggled. "Well then biting your finger was and accident too." He stated cheekily. "now take these." I said handing him his medicine. He groaned and covered his face with a pillow.

"Do I have to?" He asked. "Louis William Tomlinson! I swear if you do not take these pills I will chop your fucking di-" I was cut off. "Ok ok I'll take them." He mumbled his eyes wide. I smiled and waited till he finished. "See that wasn't so bad." I smiled. He rolled his eyes and glared at me. "Anyways, you need to meet the rest of the gang." He smiled. "What? I thought it was just you guys." I mumbled. He shook his head no and got out of bed. I peeled the covers off and walked to Z's room. I walked over to his crib and smiled down at Z. He looked around confused at first. His eyes then met mine and giggled kicking his legs. I cooed and picked him up.

"What should you where today?" I asked my happy-looking 2-month old. He looked at me and laughed. It's kinda like he was laughing at me cause he can't even talk. I shrugged and picked out a pair of mini basket ball shorts,a little jersey with a basketball on it,white and blue socks,and little sneakers. I know it's kinda overboard but he looks adorable!!

I walked down stairs and handed Z to Niall. "Put him in his high chair." I hollered as I walked off. I walked I. The kitchen and grabbed some baby food and cereal. I sat at the table and pulled Z's high chair closer to me. After struggling to feed my giggling baby, who decided to throw his food across the room, I gave up. "Ok then. I guess I'll just make you a bottle." I mumbled. After making his bottle I brought him into the living room. "Sup Ari?" Zay asked. "Struggling. Also Z remodeled your kitchen." I sighed. "What do you mean?" He asked. "I mean he thought it could use some decorating,so e used his food." I huffed. i heard someone clear their throat. I looked up and saw a lot of guys staring at me. "Ari meet Nash,Cameron,Carter,Matthew but you an call him Matt,Jack j,Jack g, Aaron,Shawn,Taylor." Harry mumbled. "Oh sorry didn't see you there." I apologized. (If your confused search the Magcon boys!!!!!) "it's ok." Taylor said.

"Who's that?" Jack j asked. "This is Zayn also known as Z. He's Louis's son." I smiled. "Louis you never told us you had a son!" Shawn yelled smacking Louis. Louis shrugged and rubbed his arm. "C'mere." Louis called out. I walked over to him and he pulled me on his lap. "Can we hold him?" Aaron asked. I nodded handing Z to him. "How old is he? What's his full name? Are you and Louis married?" They asked. Man these guys ask a lot of questions.

"He's 2-months old, his full name is Zayn James Tomlinson, and no we're not married." I answered. "Then why does he have Louis's last name?" Cameron asked. "I don't know cause I like it?" It came out as more of a question. They l cooed at Z. Laughing when he would make faces. "Your Gang doesn't seem bad ass. They all seem too sweet to be in a gang." I whispered to the boys. The shrugged went back to doing their own things.

" Oh my god. Me and your child are dressed the exact same!" Nash yelled. I looked over at him and it was true they were dressed exactly alike. I groaned when Z started crying. "Wow,ok he's crying. What do we do?! He's like ababa bomb. Oh god I'm so confused." Jack g yelled. "I got him." I picked him up and gave him his bottle. He refused to take it and cried harder.

"I'll be right back!" I hollered walking up the stairs. I grabbed his diaper bag and changed his diaper. He calmed down and I have him his bottle. I walked back down the stair and sat on Louis's lap again. "He's chill now." I said. "What happened?" Matt asked. "Do you really wanna know?" I asked. "Well when you put it that way no." He mumbled. "Let me see my nephew" Lexi mumbled taking Z from me. "Wait you two are sisters?!" Taylor asked.

"No we just act like it. She also calls me mom so it's complicated." I mumbled. "So she calls you mom but your sisters. That means you had her with your guys dad. So you fucked your father and had her. And your sisters but your her mom." Carter explained. "That's terrible!" I yelled. "That's really gross. I'm gonna throw up." Lexi mumbled. Carter shrugged and smiled at us. Meanwhile the boys were all cracking up at mine and Lexi's outburst.

"Your gang is so weird it hurts." I made a disgusted face at Louis. He chuckled and slipped his arms around my waist. "You'll get used to it." He smiled at me.

(A/N) Hey guys I'm on my way home and ChloeHicks677 is talking and I'm not even listening. Such a good friend I know. She asking me questions and I'm just smiling. I'm a good friend. Anyways, enjoy the chapter. That's all. I love you guys! Bye PANDAS!!!!!!!!! 🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼

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