I can't believe it.

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"Ariana?" She gasped. I smiled and pulled her into a hug. "Whose this?" She asked pointing at Harry. I smiled. "This is Harry." I said. "Is he your boyfriend?" She asked. "No mom, he's my boyfriends best friend." I chuckled. " Ok I'll meet you inside mom." I smiled. She nodded and walked back in the house,leaving the door open for me.

"Do you want me to help you?" Harry asked. "That would be nice." I mumbled. We walked up the stairs to my room. I set the baby down on my bed. Yeah I really need that crib set up. He set my stuff down and smiled at me. "Is this all you need help with?" He asked. I nodded and smiled. "Well I better get going." He mumbled scratching the back of his neck.

I shuffled over to him and wrapped him in a tight hug. "I'm gonna miss you Harry." I mumbled in his chest. "I'll miss you too and so will the boys." He sighed. "Tell the boys I love them and miss them." I mumbled wiping away a tear. "What no love for me?" Harry pouted pulling away. I put my finger on my chin and faked that I was in deep thought.

"That's just rude!" Harry exclaimed. "Ok, ok I guess I love you also." I playfully huffed. He smiled and patted my head. "That's better. Now stop being so short!" Harry joked. "Stop being so tall." I joked back with a smirk. he rolled his eyes and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I did the same, repeating his actions. "See you next month." He sighed. "Bye Harry." I mumbled. "Bye Ariana. Bye Z." He said looking at Z.

I smile and waved as he walked out my door backwards, making faces at me. I sighed and closed my eyes as I heard the front door close. My mom walked in my room. "Baby?" she asked. "Yeah?" I asked my eyes snapping open. "Whose this?" She exclaimed running to Z. "Mom meet Zayn also known as Z." I said.

"Wait isn't there a guy that kidnapped you named Zayn." She asked confused. "Yeah but we all became very close. He was the doctor so I named Z after him." I mumbled. She nodded and smiled picking him up and cooing at him. "How long Are you gonna stay?" She asked, hope filled her eyes and laced her voice. "Only about a month." I whispered.

She sighed. "What happened?" She asked looking at my bruises. "I fell?" I used the same excuse I used with Lexi. "Doesn't look like it. It looks like someone hit you." she mumbled. "Mom I swear I'm fine!" I exclaimed. "Ok." She said sitting down. "Why only a month?" She asked. "Mom I need to go back. I have a family,my boyfriends there and it's my new home." I explained.

She looked to the ground and shook her head. "What?" I asked. "I know somebody hit you and I don want you going back there." She explained. "Ok yes someone may have hit me,but that doesn't mean you can keep me from going back. It's my life." I argued. "You're not going back and that's final." She argued back.

"I'm going back because I want too. I have a family and people I love there. I'm going back and that's final" I shouted taking Z from her. "I can't believe you. You have everything here you have there." She muttered glaring at me. "Mom get out." I stated. "What she gaped. "Get the fuck out of my room." I spat.

She nodded and shuffled out of my room. I sighed and shook my head. "I hope this doesn't happen to us. Of course you'd probably be the one kidnapping people. You'll be perfect though." Muttered,looking down at Z. He smiled and looked in my eyes.

I frowned realizing how much he looks like Louis when he smiles. I took a few deep breaths and picked up Z. I went to my bags and picked us both out pjs. I put him in a simple onesie with blue socks since its summer and it's hot. I grabbed a pair of my old sweatpants and one of Louis's shirts I had brought with me.

I laid in bed with Z,pulling him to my chest. My door opened and Katy popped her head in my room. (Sorry if that's not her name I'll go back and check later.) "is that a baby?" She asked. I nodded and smiled. "Whose baby is that?" She gaped. "It's mine." I laughed. She walked over and played with the baby's fingers.

"What's his name?" She asked. "His name is Zayn but we'll call him Z." I smiled. its been such along time since I've been home. I don't even know how old Katy is. (ChloeHicks677 mentioned this to me. Yeah we're hanging out. And Ariana has been gone for like 3years!!) "Katy how old are you?" I asked. "I'm eight!" She said proudly.

I gasped and pulled her into a hug,careful not to hurt the baby. "In sorry." I whispered. "For what?" She asked confused. "For not being here for our birthdays." I whispered in shame. "It's ok." She whispered,hugging me tighter. "Why is mom sad." She asked. "Cause me and her got in a fight." I mumbled. "About what." She asked. "It doesn't matter right now. You wanna play with the baby?" I asked clapping my hands together.

She nodded eagerly. I giggled and she made a funny face. "Ok be very careful." I warned placing him in her arms. We say there for a good two hours,playing with the baby and making him laugh. She soon yawned and asked what time it was. "Oh it's only 12:00" I muttered. At the same time our eyes looked like they were gonna pop out of our heads. "12:00?!" She whisper-shouted. She bit supposed to be up this late.

"Go on to bed and me and Z will do the same." I whispered. She nodded and kissed my cheek before running to her room. Since I never set his crib up I just laid him in bed with me. "I can't believe this." I heard my mom yell. She came in my room and gave me an angry look. "What?" I asked. she pointed at me and whispered. "I can't believe you and I can't believe this."

(A/N) Ok I know it sucked but oh well here's your update. I'll try to make the next one better. Anyways thanks for reading. I honestly don't know where I'm going with this story. 😂😂 Question of the day is, have your parents ever confused you so much that it kills you? It happens to me all the time. Let's just say I'm not the brightest.

Until next time people of Earth. I love you guys so much! Bye PANDAS!!!!!! 🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼

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