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Ariana's pov

"I don't fuck everything in sight y'know." He mumbled. "Could you be any more awkward?!" I whispered. "I'm not being awkward,your just being a bitch." He spat. "Well sorry for being pregnant and having mood swings." I yelled standing up. I hope I don't wake Harry. Poor guy looks exhausted. "Whatever. I don't even want that thing." He scoffed. My eyes widened and I felt tears fill eyes.

"Well you know what you won't even have to see it cause we're done." I spat storming up the stairs. I can't believe I just said that. Great now I'm a single mom and I'm pregnant with another baby. Could life get any better?! I sighed walking to Matt's room. I grabbed a tank top and and a pair of yoga pants. Walking to them bathroom I changed and brushed my teeth. It's already 5:00 am but I'm still gonna get some sleep. Y'know besides my nap.

I lied down next to Matt,turning on my side I yawned. "Mmm" Matt groaned placing his hands around my waist. I sighed. This is even worse. I moved his hands and returned back to my comfortable state. "Ugh!" He groaned replacing his hands around my waist. I sighed. "Whatever then." I mumbled falling asleep.

"Dude what are you doing?!" Louis yelled. "I'm sleeping?" Matt "asked". "With my girlfriend?!" He spat. "I'm not your girlfriend." I mumbled rubbing my eyes "ooh burn!" Matt yelled. I glared at him. Louis looked taken back and hurt. "What we discussed this last night when apparently I was a bitch." I spat.

Jumping up from bed I grabbed some comfy clothes and started to walk off. "Ok I'm just gonna say this since she's free, that ass!" Matt yelled. I scoffed and walked to the bathroom. Changing and brushing my teeth I walked downstairs. " morning!" I yelled to the boys."morning Ari!" They chorused. "So how's things between you and Lou?" Harry asked. "What do you mean?" I asked grabbing a bowl.

"I mean did you guys make-up yet?!" He exclaimed. " No we did the complete opposite." I mumbled grabbing cereal. " you mean-" I cut him off. " Yup! Guess who's a pregnant single mom!!" I yelled with sarcasm. "Damn." Aaron mumbled. I closed my eyes and sucked in a deep breath. Slamming my cup down I pushed myself off the counter.

I went and sat on mine and Matt's bed. Google came over and jumped on my lap. I pet her as she purred. (Google is the cat if you remember. I know it's been awhile.) she curled up and fell asleep. I thought for awhile before laying her on the bed gently. I slowly got up and packed a big bag for me and Z.

I heard a knock on the door. "H-hold on!" I yelled back panicky. I quickly shoved the bag under the bed. Walking over to the door I opened it. "Hey sorry I'm just trying to find my headphones." Matt laughed. "The black and red ones?" I asked. He nodded. "Those are down stairs on the kitchen table." I smiled. "Thanks Ari you're a life saver!" He exclaimed kidding my cheek before running out of the room, closing the door.

I laughed and sat down deciding to write a note for the guys when I leave.

Dear guys, actually that sound crappy lets restart. Hey guys! That's better. I'm gonna miss you all dearly but it's time for me to go. I've been here about three years and I have a baby with another one on the way! I just don't wanna be here if my kid has to grow up to its mother and father fighting all the time. I'm letting Nash go by the way. Don't go and find him. Because if you do,even though I may not know, I'll never forgive you. Any of you. Well this is my last goodbye. I love you guys. Bye.

Setting the note down, I waited for night to come.

I put Z in his carrier. Grabbing the duffle bag I brought Z and the bag down stairs. Setting them down I raced back up the steps. Grabbing the note I set it on the table. I walked to everyone's room and kissed their cheeks. I hesitantly opened Louis's door. I kissed his cheek and started to walk away.

"Ari? What are you doing in here?" He asked. "I uh just left my shirt in here." I whispered. He nodded and laid back down. Well that could've been a disaster. I searched the whole house for Nash. Finally finding him in the basement. I helped him up and we talked for a bit. "Why are you helping me?" He asked. "Because I'm leaving and you should too."  I explained.

"I'm sorry for what I did before." He whispered. I smiled and shook my head. "Just forget it ever happened." I mumbled. After helping him to his car I grabbed my stuff and Z. I was just gonna go to my friends house so I'm walking. It's actually not far at all.  "Well would you look who it is." Ashton's voice rand throughout the empty midnight streets. I rolled my eyes. " leave me alone Ashton." I mumbled. "And what if I don't?" He asked. "Then I'll simply keep walking." I muttered walking on further.

"Oh is this your baby?" Ashton asked a devious smirk on his lips. "Don't touch him!" I yelled dropping my things to get Z. He raised his hand to hit him. Luke holding me back.  "D-don't hurt him. I-I'll do anything." I begged. He smiled. "Come back with us." He said. I thought hesitantly for a second. Starting to bring his hand down I panicked. "Ok I'll go with you!" I yelled. Luke let me go and I ran to ashton taking Z.

Holding him close I rubbed his back. "This way" Ashton mumbled pushing me. Calum and Michael grabbed my things throwing them in the back. I rolled my eyes and sat in one of the seats of their van. There were no other seats so I placed Z's carrier in my lap. Making him face me. " I don't see a ring on that finger." Michael exclaimed. I rolled my eyes. "Because there isn't one." I spat. "Care to explain." Calum demanded more than asked. "Me and Louis broke up ok. Can you stop being nosy now." I yelled making Z cry. Great.

Rubbing his arms I did everything I could go soothe him. He eventually stopped and stared at me. I smiled and kissed his forehead. Ignoring the strange looks they gave me. He giggled and reached for my hand. "So your single and not pregnant?" Ashton asked. "Actually-" I started. "My god! How many times do you and Louis get it on?!" Calum yelled. "Every Tuesday and Thursday!" I yelled sarcastically. Z still playing with my fingers. " I'll like to get in on that." Michael mumbled.

"You guys are gross." I scoffed. " so you're  pregnant?" Luke asked. "Yes." I stated. "Serious?" Ashton questioned. "Serious." I promised.

(A/N) Hey people's. How's it going. Ok so my story came true  and Louis's a dad! But he's not in a gang so a pice came true. I just hope this won't be the end for one direction. Anyways I'm tired and yeah. I love you guys! Bye PANDAS!!!!!!!!!!!!🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼

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