This is my home.

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Ariana's pov

"Luke!" I whined walking in the living room while looking down. Don't ask it's just a habit. I climbed on his lap and cuddled up. "Hey baby." He kissed my forehead. "Yeah?" I raised my head to meet his look. "Look around." He whispered. Raising my head I looked around the room. My eyes widened in shock. "Baby?" Louis asked through gritted teeth.

I nodded avoiding his gaze. "You're coming home. Get your stuff." He spat. "No I'm not!" "No she's not!" Luke and I both yelled at the same time. "You're my girlfriend!" He spat. "No I'm not." I laughed. He got up and walked out the front door,slamming it shut. The boys looked at me in surprise. I got up from Luke's lap.

First was Liam. "You and Luke huh? I didn't think it would happen. But it's actually kinda cute." He smiled. "I love you!" I smiled kissing his cheek. He gave me a tight hug before opening the door and walking out. Zayn came up to me looking down on me. "Thanks. " I whispered. "For what?" He asked. "For not telling me I made the wrong choice." I answered.  "I didn't say you made the wrong choice,but I also didn't say you made the right choice." He whispered. I nodded.

Zayn pulled me in a tight hug and kissed my forehead."I'll see you around." He smiled. Niall came up to me with tears in his eyes. "Awe don't cry!" I mumbled. "But I already miss you." He sniffled. Pulling him in a tight hug I let him cry on my shoulder. He kissed the top of my head. Harry came up looking hurt. "Your staying here. You're leaving us." He said slowly. I nodded biting my lip.

"Let me tell you something. No matter how much Zayn and Niall and Liam and I miss you, Louis misses you more. Louis is a complete mess without you. He cat control himself. He's constantly drunk. We need you." Harry begged. I shook my head. "Goodbye Harry." I whispered. The door closed letting me know they were really gone.

"L-Luke." I choked. "They're gone." I sobbed. "It'll be ok." He whispered pulling me in his arms. "It'll be ok." He whispered again. Peppering my fave with kisses. "It'll be ok." He says for the last time,kissing my lips. "I'm here" he whispered picking me up. Carrying me down the hall he laid me down on his bed. He let me cuddle up to him and completely ruin his shirt with my makeup covered face.

"Luke?" I whimpered when I couldn't find him in his room. "What I wanna know is why the hell are you in here?" Michael asked. Calum and ashton nodded snickering. I wiped under my eyes. "I was sad and I-I" I stuttered hoping Luke would come help me. Luke opened the door. "Hey I got you some grapes and- wait what are you guys doing in here?" He asked. "Why is she in here?" Michael asked.

Luke looked at me and I nodded my head. "Guys Ariana and I are dating." He breathed. "I'm going to kill you!" Ashton screeched pouncing at Luke. "Stop!" I yell getting up. I watch as Michael and Calum drag them apart. I rolled my eyes and helped Luke up. "You ok?" I asked. He nodded wiping blood off his lip. "I can clean you up if you want?" I asked.

"No it's fine. You just need to eat and relax." He mumbled. "The bowl of grapes is on the bed." Luke smiled. "Thank you. Could you guys maybe um- leave?" I asked. Without a word they walked out leaving me and Luke alone. "C'mere." I said opening my arms. Luke laid his head down on my chest,his arms wrapping around my waist.

I played with his hair and fed him grapes. That sounds kinda weird but trust me. It was kinda romantic. To me anyways. Luke yawned closing his eyes. "I'm sleepy." He mumbled. " Then just go to sleep stupid." I laughed. Groaning he pulled me down so we were level. Well I guess another nap couldn't hurt. I love sleep and I'm pregnant. 'Great excuse' my mind told me.

Whatever I'm just tired. I laid there listening to Luke's soft snores. Cuddling up to him I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.

I woke up beside Luke. His loud snores echoing through the room. "Luke wake up!" I shook him. "Luuuke!" I whined pouting. I climbed on top of him straddling his waist. (A/N no nothing's happening. Sorry it would be so awkward. ChloeHicks677 ) "Luke,Luke,Luke! Wake up!" I yelled. He still didn't budge. I was about to give up when I had an idea. Leaning down I kissed his lips. His eyes immediately shot open and he kissed me back.

I pulled back and giggled. "What was that for?" He asked. "Not that I didn't like it." He smirked. "You wouldn't wake up. Your a heavy sleeper." I mumbled. "I like this position." He laughed completely ignoring my statement. 'Me too Luke me too' I thought. "Good to know!" Luke smiled. "What?" I asked. "You just said that out loud." He chuckled. Groaning I hid my face in my hands. I lent down and snuggled in his chest.

"Awe is it embarrassed?!" Luke yelled in a baby voice. "Stoop!" I yelled. He flipped us over and moved my hands able my hand. Holding them there with one hand. I thought he was going to kiss me but instead the little fucker tickled me. "St-op ple-ease!" I yelled. "Only if you say Luke is the sexiest man alive and I love him." He smirked proudly. "Never!" I yelled playfully. He continued his assault of tickling.

"F-fine." I laughed. "Luke is the sexiest man alive and I love him." I giggled. "Better." He mumbled peppering my face with kisses. (A/N is anyone else getting Luke feels. Can I go bang Luke now?) Someone eared their throat in the doorway. "Next time your gonna get it on close the door. Oh and you have "visitors"" he smirked putting air marks around visitors. "Ok first we weren't getting it on. I'm pregnant. And tell my so called "visitors" to go away." I spat.

Luke chuckled gripping my waist. "Babe chill." He whispered in my ear. "Leggo!" Luke yelled pulling me down stairs. "But I'm antisocial! I don't like people! Don't make meet!" I whined. "Antisocial" louis scoffed. "Oh it's you." I spat. "Pack your stuff we're going home." He spat. "No I like way better over here then over there." I spat with venom in my voice.

"Give me 1 reason why it's better over here!" He yelled. "Well I can give you plenty." I started. "First off I have a boyfriend who actually cares about me and respects me! Second, he doesn't lash out on me when I make MY own choices. Third off all he doesn't go physco and they to beat me." I smirked. Louis's eyes widened with hurt.

I sighed. "Your coming home lets go." He mumbled. "This is home. Leave and never come back." I whispered. The back of louis hand came in contact with my mouth as a loud "pop" erupted in the room. I gasped as Louis looked at me with hatred. "Did you just-" I was cut off by Luke pouncing on Louis. "Guys come on. What the fuck. stop please." I groaned pulling at Luke's arm.

"Luke stop!" I yelled. He paused and looked up at me. His chest rapidly rising up and down. "Stop for me please. I'm fine it was just a little hit. He's leaving right now anyways." I whispered. Nodding I helped him up. I winced as I took in Louis's appearance. He was all bloody and gross looking. "Come on let's go." He mumbled gabbing my arm and pulling me towards the door.  "Louis stop. This is home." I spat.

(A/N I hate to end it here. Not really I'm just lazy. Smut with Luke may or may not be happening after Ari has the baby. Y'know at the appropriate time. I think I'm gonna suck it up and face the awkwardness of facing my best friend and yet she reads it. Ok well I guess that's all. I love you guys! Bye PANDAS!!!!!!!!! 🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼

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