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Four years later*

Ari's pov

"Mommy make him stop!" Hailey shouted, stomping her foot. "Z stop hitting your sister. You two need to keep it down, Daniel is sleeping." I lectured. Daniel is the baby boy I had with Luke. He looks exactly like him. He has very bright blue eyes and thick blonde hair. Hailey ran off, her pigtails bouncy with every step she took. "Mommy uncle Niall is here!" Hailey shouted, waking Daniel " I've got him." Luke mumbled, going to his room.

"Niall, Lexi hey!" I grinned, running down the steps. "Alex!" Z shouted, running to hug Niall and Lexi's 4 year old son. "Hey I invited every one else we're making cookies bitch!" Niall shouted. "Language!" Lexi scolded, smacking Niall's arm. "Mommy!" Daniel screamed, reaching for me. "Shit I mean shoot sorry Lexi." I mumbled, grabbing Daniel from Luke.

"Down." Daniel squealed , squirming. "Babe please go watch the kids with me." Lexi whined, pushing Niall into the kitchen. Lexi is pregnant with their second baby. And to say she's not a handful would be a lie. "Hey Zayn, hey Perrie!" (Fight me😂) I greeted, pulling them both into a hug. Zayn and Perrie don't have any kids. They wanted kids but Perrie can't have kids.

"Party's in the kitchen." I sighed, leaning back into Luke's chest. "This is stressful-" "Ari!" Liam shouted, crushing me and Luke with a hug. "Liam down boy." Danielle joked. "Daddy what you doing?" Their two year old daughter, Alice, asked. She was probably one of the most beautiful kids I've ever seen. "Saying hi to your aunt and uncle." Liam mumbled, making his way to the kitchen. I raised an eyebrow towards Alice. "Daddy's crazy." She whispered loudly, her eyes getting big.

"So is Luke." I answered, pointing back to him and making a weird face. Alice giggled, leaving us to join her cousins. "No, we do not eat painting James." Harry scolded, walking towards us with his son and wife, Taylor. (Haylor af) "my son may or may have not just tried to eat one of your paintings." Harry laughed awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck.

"It's fine he's just a kid." I shrugged, smiling at them. "Superman!" Jasmine shouted. Jasmine was Louis's daughter. At my wedding Louis and my best friend kinda had a little fling. But now they're engaged. "Hi Jasmine." I chuckled, sitting her in my lap. "Did someone say cookies?" Jasmine asked, her head perking up and looking around. "They're making some in the kitchen." I mumbled, shaking my head as she ran away to probably eat the cookie dough. "She's a handful." Louis complained, rolling his eyes.

If you're wondering where Katy's at, we didn't adopt her. She decided it was to weird having her sister basically be her mom. She lives Michael and his girlfriend. "Fucking hell that hurts!" Michael shouted. "What's you do kitten?" I asked, easing my eyebrow at him. "I had to get a shot." He whined, pulling his arm closer to him. "Dork." I snorted, flicking his nose.

"Hey Ari guess what." Katy smirked, sitting beside me. "What?" I asked. "I'm pregnant." She giggled. "Your fucking fifteen ! I will beat the living shit out you, what the fuck were you thinking?!-" " chill I lied." Katy huffed, leaning back into her seat. "But she has a boyfriend." Michael smirked, wiggling his eyebrows. "Michael!" She shouted, throwing a pillow at him. "Oh really?" I asked, nudging her arm.

"Hey Ash." I mumbled, kicking his leg as he walked by. "I want a pony!" His daughter shouted, stomping her foot. "She's done this all day." He groaned, picking her up and hugging her to his chest. "To perfect for this world." Ashton sighed, twirling in circles. "Let me go!" She whined. "It's been four years and the converse still fit you." I laughed, tugging Calum down to fall into me and Luke.

Luke groaned, trying to wiggle his way out. "Hey Luke it's been a while, wanna make out?" Calum asked, snuggling in between us. "Sorry I can't. I have Ari and Michael would be really upset." Luke joked, ruffling Calum's hair. Calum didn't have kids. He didn't have a girlfriend either. He claimed he was the loner type but he's constantly complaining about not having a girlfriend.

"Mommy?" A little voice called. Every mom in the room turned their head towards the small child, just reflex. "What is it Daniel?" I asked, reaching out to pick him up as he walked to me. "I'm sleepy." He mumbled rubbing his eyes. "I'll take him." Luke said from behind me. I let him get up handing him Daniel. "Night mommy." He yawned, waving at me as Luke carried him up the steps.

"How did you get such cute kids?" Katy asked, all the girls cooing at Daniel. "Cause they have such a cute dad." I laughed, wiggling my eyebrows. "What's up with girls and babies?" Ashton asked, rolling his eyes. "Yeah I mean they're tiny versions of us." Michael snorted, crossing his arms. "Michael shut up, you cried when you adopted Katy." I smirked, throwing a pillow at him. "Cause she's my baby!" Michael shouted, pulling her in for a hug.

"I can't believe it's been four years since you adopted me." Katy sighed, looking at me. "So Ari, what about baby number 4?" Harry asked, making everyone look at me. "You're pregnant?!" Luke shouted, looking at me with wide eyes. "No, I mean not that I know of." I sighed, furrowing my eyebrows together. "So there may be another baby in the future?" Zayn asked, smirking slightly. I shrugged looking at Luke who nodded eagerly.

I giggled and hit his chest playfully. "Men, that's all they want is sex I swear." Danielle mumbled,placing her hand on her hip. "That's not all I want from you." Liam smirked. "Liam Payne sit down!" I shouted, getting a little disgusted they were gonna do "something" in my living room. "I miss living together." Louis pouted, slouching back on his seat. "We're all getting old and wrinkly." Harry complained, leaning his head on Michaels shoulder.

Harry and Michael bonded when I moved out, well at least that's what I heard. "Ok I'm done getting tortured." Niall mumbled, coming out of the kitchen with messily painted fingernails and a face full of glitter. "Really? Luke let's Hailey paint his nails and put makeup on him. He also haves tea parties with her sometimes." I shrugged, looking at Luke's pink fingernails. "Thank God, I thought Luke turned gay and was trying to drop subtle hints." Calum sighed dramatically.

"You have officially lost the little bit of punk rock you had." Michael chuckled, running a hand through his blue hair. "Should we get in there and bond with our kids now?" Ashton asked, looking around. "Probably." Zayn mumbled. I hopped up from the couch making my way to the kitchen. "Who wants to frost the cookies that are done?" I asked. A bunch of little voices screaming "me!" Was kinda overwhelming.

"How about ladies first?" I asked, helping the girls get in the chairs. "Why ladies first?" Alex asked, tugging at my hand. "Because it's nice and shows you manners. And it's something a gentleman would do." Luke explained, getting Alex's attention. "Why?" Z asked, making a face. "You'll understand when you get a girlfriend or boyfriend someday." Katy laughed. (Don't be hating.😐) "ok." Z mumbled, turning around to talk to the other boys.

And this was how we spent most of our nights. Either having a baking night, a movie night, or a craft night. That's just how we wanted things to be. And yes they were still in gangs and yes they all had soft spots but they actually paired up and now they basically own the world. Crazy right? But this I how I want life to be.

(A/N) I'm not crying you are! SHUT UP😭😭 ok I'm Luke fucking heartbroken cause I've been writing this for two years 😭 alright well I've decided that if you want a sequel I will make one. I put some thought into it and I have a few ideas of what it can be about. Thank you to everyone who's been here from the beginning. I'm really gonna miss everything. I love you guys! (Last one for this story. EVER😭) bye PANDAS!!!🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼

(I'm fucking drowning in my tears bye 😭)

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