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(A/N) How are you guys and gals liking the story so far? I think this will be an interesting chapter. I don't know though I have some I'll make it up as I go!!

Ariana's pov

I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna escape. I can't believe it,I'm kinda scared though 'cause what if they find me and punish me... 'You can do this.You can so do this.'I thought. "What am I getting my self into?"I mumbled. "What?" Ashton asked. Oh yeah I forgot he was sitting in my "room". "Nothing." I said. Ashton nodded and walked out.

I waited until everyone went to bed. I walked on the kitchen and got a tall stool. I put the stool up to the window,after climbing on top of the stool I pushed the window open. The window wasn't really that far from the ground I'm just short.... I jumped out the window and ran down the street. 'I know this place! It's not to far from my house!' I thought. I ran until I saw a familiar house. My house. I rang the doorbell atleast ten times. My mom opened the door finally. "Ariana?" My mom breathed. "M-mom?" I stuttered. "My baby! Your home!" She yelled. Suddenly my dad and Katie ran down the stairs. My dad hugged me while I picked up my little sister Katie and spun her around. "Where have you been?!" My dad asked. I didn't want to but I knew I had to tell them the truth.

"I-I was kidnapped." I said. "By one direction." I managed to squeak before breaking down in sobs. "Shh it's ok sis." My little sister Katie said grabbing my hand. 'I made it I really made it!' I thought.

Louis's pov (bet you didn't see that coming)

"Well what do we do?" Harry boomed. "Calm down. We go get her. I mean she probably ran home anyway." I said with a smirk. All the boys caught on to what I was saying and nodded. "Now let's go!" I yelled.

Ariana's pov

After eating dinner with my family for the first time in forever,I decided to go to bed. "I love you." My mom and dad said at the same time. I laughed at them and told them I love them too. "Hey I love you too!" Katie screeched. "I know Katie and I love you!" I said,picking her up and kissing her forehead. "Now I'm going to bed and you should do the same." I said. She nodded and I put her down. "Goodnight!" I yelled running down the hall to my room. I locked my window and shut my door. I then put curtains over my window. I'm still afraid they're going to find me! I fell into a deep sleep.

I woke up to someone putting a rag on my nose and mouth. "Thought you could get away that easy,doll?" The person asked. Oh no it's Louis. I wanted to scream but I was already to weak. "Come on you can't hold your breath for ever." Louis chanted. I finally have in and let darkness swallow me. The last thing I heard was Louis sighing and picking me up.

(A/N) So what do you guys think. I like this chapter. Oh and to clear stuff up Katie is Ariana's little 5 year old sister. And her dad's name is Nate and her moms name is Casey!

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