I don't love you that way...

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Ariana's pov

"L-Louis I don't love you t-that way." I said. In stead of looking sad he looked angered...?"you know what I shouldn't have told you! I knew you didn't love me back!so just leave!" Louis screamed. "Louis I'm sorry." I pleaded. "No get out!tell any of the boys including Ashton, you won't be in a good position!" He spat. I cowered away and walked back to my "room".

'At least he didn't beat me.' I thought. Boy was I wrong. Harry raced in the room. "Why can't you just die already?!" He screamed. "W-what did I do?" I asked terrified. Without answering me he sat there and beat me. Punching and kicking until I was swallowed in darkness.

"Hey Ariana. Wake up." Ashton coo'd. "I opened my eyes and tried to sit up but winced when I did. "Yeah you might wanna stay laying down for a while." He said. " what happened?" I asked. "Oh you don't remember, well never mind then." He said strangely. "Tell me!" I screamed hopping he would tell me. "Woah calm down I'll tell you." He said looking scared.

"Harry beat you..." he said looking at the ground. I sighed knowing someone must have beat me for me to have all the bruises. "I'm going down stairs." I mumbled,pushing past Ashton. I walked down stairs only to be greeted by all the boys watching t.v. and eating pizza. I rushed in the kitchen and got some pizza. I surprisingly feel at home sometimes. SOMETIMES. But that disappears when they beat me. Liam is the only one that hasn't really harmed me yet. Notice I said yet...

As I walked out of the kitchen Louis gave me a glare. I sighed getting the boys attention. "What?" Liam asked. "N-nothing." I stuttered. They all nodded and I went back to my "room". This is all getting really old. I hate this place,I wish I could go home and see my family one more time. I sighed thinking about my family. My mom and dad dancing around the kitchen while they cooked,and me trying to teach my little sister Katie how to whistle.

"Hey you ok?" Ashton asked. I realized I was crying. Great. "Oh,um I'm fine just thinking."I said. I noticed Ashton is always in my room. Kinda wierd... "Ashton,what are my chances of them letting me leave?" I asked. "Well,I think it would never happen but you never know." He said. "If I ran away do you think I would make it?" I asked with a hopefull attitude. "I-I don't know..." he said. I nodded. Then this is it. I'm going to escape from here,from the most wanted gang,from this house. I'm really going to run away and escape...

(A/N) sorry for not updating in a while I'm super sorry!!! I know it's short but I will try and update every day if I can. I hope your enjoying the story.

Do you think Ariana will actually escape. I have a good idea for the story but I'm still taking suggestions. Should she fall in love with one of the boys or what..... Idk what do you guys and gals think??????? :D [clo was here]

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