Go before he sees you

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Ariana's pov

"I'm gonna go get the baby." I mumbled. Liam sighed and nodded letting me go. I walked slowly down the stairs to the living room. I saw Lexi with her back facing me. I smiled and walked over to her. "What you doing?" I asked placing my hand on her shoulder. She gasped and snapped her head in my direction. "You scared the shit out of me!" She exclaimed. I giggled and looked at Z(yeah I'm gonna call him that now). "What's wrong?" She asked. It's clear she doesn't know what happened. "And what's that on your face?" She gasped.

"Umm that,i uh- I fell?" It came out as more of a question. "Tell me,please." She whispered grabbing my wrist. "I'll tell you some day,but today's not the day." I weakly smiled kissing her cheek. she nodded and looked away. "Now let me see my baby!" I screamed. She chuckled and handed me Z. "I'll uh see you later?" She asked her eyebrows furrowing together. I smiled and nodded.

I walked up the stairs and smiled as Z grabbed my finger. As I was walking down the hall I bumped into someone. "Oh so-" I got cut off as I looked up. My eyes widened in horror as I saw Louis looking down at me. I scooted to the other end of the hall and looked at Z "I-uh well,we need to talk." Louis stuttered. "There's nothing to talk about." I whispered

"Oh believe me,there is." He smirked,placing a finger under my chin to make me look at him. "Leave me alone Louis." I croaked,my eyes welling with tears. "Oh come on. I'm your boyfriend. That is my kid your holding after all." He mumbled. My closed my eyes and sighed. "What do you have to say." I asked. "Oh not much. I know you plan on leaving,and God so help me if you escape and I find you." He chuckled. "Well you won't last for long." He smirked looking at Z.

I nodded and felt the familiar burning of a year roll down my cheek. Louis chuckled darkly and kissed my cheek. I walked down the hall to Liam's room. i opened the door and Liam was sitting on his bed,watching tv. I set Z down in his crib and walked over to the bed. "Liam?" I croaked. His head snapped to look at me.

"What happened?" He asked,looking at my tear-stained cheeks. I couldn't reply and I guess Liam saw that. He opened his arms ad welcomed me in a hug. I let the tears flow freely. "W-will he ever b-be the Sa-ame?" I stuttered. He pursed his lips,rubbing circles in my arm. "I don't know baby,i honestly don't." He answered looking at me with sad eyes.

"What did he say?" Liam asked after o calmed down. "He said he knows that I'm leaving." I started. "And taut if he finds me I won't last long. And he looked at Z like he was gonna hurt him." I sighed. "I won't let him y'know. Hurt you or the baby." He mumbled. I nodded.

----------------TIME SKIP-----------------

Later that day the boys,not including louis, pulled me into the kitchen saying we needed to talk. I pulled out a chair and sat down with Z in my arms. "So we all know what happened." Zayn started. "And we've come to a conclusion." He said sadly. i smiled and looked around. "Why are you guys so sad?" I asked worried.

"Because our conclusion is you need to leave. Not forever but just for awhile. Until all this shit clears up." Niall smiled weakly. "How l-long exactly is this l-leave?" I asked. "About a month." Harry whispered. I nodded and asked. "When am I leaving." Biting his lip Liam answered "Tonight." "So what's wrong with louis?" I asked. "He has mental problems. He quit takin his medicine and for awhile he was fine. But then this happened. We're gonna put him back in his pills and hope for the best." Zayn explained. I looked down at Z and smiled.

"Ok but only on one condition." I said. "I never got that picture of you and Z." I said motioning between Zayn and Z. "And I want a picture with all of you." I smiled. The boys laughed and nodded. Man I'm gonna miss them. They're like fucking family! We walked in the living room and had Zayn sit on the couch with Z. "Ok smile and Zayn don't
Act awkward." I joked Zayn shook his head and smiled. I snapped the picture and smiled. I was taking the pictures on the phone they had gotten me.

Yeah they got me it a while back. "Alright one more picture." I mumbled the boys all gathered up and of course we took a selfie. I giggled when I looked over the photo. I looked at Liam and burst out laughing. "What's so funny?" Niall asked. "Liam in the picture" I said. He was holding Z up and making a creepy face.

Liam blushed and put his head down. "Well I'm gonna pack." I mumbled,my sad feeling returning. "Wait louis is in our room. And I don't wanna go alone. I really don't want to see him at all." I mumbled. "I'll get him out." Harry volunteered. I heard screaming upstairs and a few minutes later harry came down. "Ok he's locked in my room but I don't know how much longer that's gonna last." He said.

I nodded. "Wait Am I taking the cat with me?" I asked. "No we'll take care of him. And what did you name him anyways?" Niall asked. "Google." I replied. "Why Google?" Harry asked. i shrugged cause I honestly didn't y'know why I named him that. "I'm gonna pack and talk to Lexi." I mumbled. After I got done packing I went to see Lexi.

"Lexi?" I asked opening the door. "Yeah." she turned around to face me. "Wait why do you have a suitcase." She asked her eyebrows furrowing together. "Lexi honey I'm gonna be gone for awhile." I explained. "When will you be back?" She questioned. "Next month. Now be a good girl ok. Dont give Niall and then a hard time." I mumbled.

"Do the boys know you're leaving?" She asked. "Yeah they planned it. Except for louis. So don't tell him ok. Oh and take care of Google for me." I mumbled. She nodded. "What about Z?" "He's coming with me. Don't worry it'll be fine." I explained kissing her cheek. "Now I really have to go. I love you." I told her. "I love you too." She said hugging me. I pulled away and wiped her tears.

"I'll be back soon. Bye Lexi." I mumbled. "B-bye." She sobbed. I closed her door and sighed closing my eyes. "Are you ready to go?" Liam's voice startled me. I nodded. "Who has Z?" I asked "Harry does he's gonna be the one driving you. he's the only one that could bring himself to do it. Everybody else is crying right now." Liam laughed looking at me with teary eyes.

As I walked down the steps all the boys bid me their goodbyes. "I love you guys." I whispered. "We love you too." they chorused. "Now go before he sees you." Niall whispered. I nodded and walked out the door. The car ride was silent,besides the constant sobbing on the car and the cooing if the baby.

We arrived and Harry explained when they would come back and get me. He helped carry my stuff to the front door while I was holding Z. I rand the doorbell. the door slowly clicked open. "Mom?" I asked. "Ariana?" She gasped.

(A/N) Hey guys. My chapters are getting long we each day! I'm to tired to have a question of the day so screw that. Anyways I got a new puppy that's all. I love you guys! Bye PANDAS!!!!!!🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼

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