-Chapter Sixty~Four

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Here's your long awaited final chapter. I hope you like this version better than the rough draft teaser.

And I mentioned in a message that to help get over writer's block {for me} is to add dialogue. So if you notice a lot of dialougue, and there is, you'll be able to tell that I had a bad case of writer's block. =P

Anyways, enjoy this chapter. This IS NOT the ending! Few  more chapters to go. I said before Chapter 70, and we are on Chapter Sixty Four. =]

Comment . Ideas . or Vote ? Pleaseee.♥

External Link = New Story. Don't Ask, Don't Tell. Pretty please with a Gigantic cherry, can you check it out? 

.-. Facebook Page on my Wattpad Page .-.

P.S. Song on this side is my latest music addiction. Loving the band and this song has been playing on repeat since...yesterday! It's a great song, listen to the first set of lyric. So deep, lol. =]

♪ Between You And I - by Every Avenue ♪

Any music recomendations? I love slow songs, but I listen to anything.


Chapter Sixty-Four





"Yeah, where's your ring?" Jake removed my hand from the side of the suitcase, examining it. "You know the ring that symbolizes that we are engage and soon-to-be married? The one that was sparkly and very expensive? The one that I put right on this finger," he pointed to my ring finger. "That one."

"Oh..." I started, pulling my hand away from Jake. "I don't know..." I trailed. But I did know. It was pointless to lie, because Jake always knew when I lied. This time, I felt the need too. I didn't want to come clean yet.

"You're lying," Jake said, just as I thought he would.

Instead of telling the truth, I decided to keep up with my lie. "It must be in the suitcase some where."

"Terri, you're a bad liar."

I rolled my eyes. "I could be telling the truth, and you are still accusing me of lying."

"Key words in that sentence: could be," Jake smirked.

I looked at him for the longest of times; I still didn't want to admit the truth. Pointing behind him, I asked him, "Can you pass me the things inside those drawers?"

At the moment, Jake and I were packing all of my things. Since me and Jake had talked and worked out some of our differences, I thought that it would be okay if we were under the same roof again. The things we didn't really go over and talk about were my feelings for Andrew, Jake's promise to Kara, and where the ring was.

:Terri and Jake Chronicles [Book #1]Where stories live. Discover now