-Chapter Four {Meeting the New Family}

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1. My name is Terri Sanders. 2. I have an arranged marriage in 7 months. And 3. I'm marrying a Preppy with attitude problems!  

[o1.o1.11] . I am in the process of editing! So please don't correct me on grammer and the occassional **. Thank you.=] You will notice the difference from my editing and the old chapters.=]


Chapter Four

-Meeting the New Family-





I cannot believe I had done that. I just sang off-key and danced like a lunatic! If Caleb/Nick dude was thinking that I was one, he was completely right.

First impressions suck. Really, suck.

I was still frozen at the same spot, until I heard someone snickering. My eyes flickered onto the source of the snickering, but I could get a good look at him because my mom blocked the view.

"Thank you for coming down, Terri," she said, walking over to me. She put her arm around my shoulder. I put my arms down, which were in dance move positions. My mother also pulled my headphones out, although I could still hear the music playing. She pulled me to the couch, to sit in between my father and her.

"Turn off the music," my dad whispered to me.

For the first time, I listened to my dad and turned off my iPod.

"Frank and Eliza, this is my darling daughter, Terri. Terri, this is Frank and Eliza Dawson," my dad introduced us. I glanced their way. They looked like normal people. Expensive clothes though. Probably about $500 dollars expensive.

"These are your future-in-laws," my mom whispered in my ear. I turned towards her. She turned away, but she caught the scowl I gave her.

"And this is Jake," the woman...I mean my mother-in-law moved out the way. Revealing...a preppy jock dude. That person was snickering at me!

My head dropped and I looked at my lap. I started picking at my nails, my thumbs to be exact. I usually did that at times when unwanted attention was turned to me. My dad saw me doing it and pulled my hand away from my other hand, causing me to look up.

"...your new husband," I heard Eliza say. What was she talking about? Was she talking to me? I looked up at her and her hands were pointing towards the way that guy was. She looked like she belongs on the game show Deal or No Deal. She would look prefect holding those cases.

"Huh?" I asked. I had completely tuned her out. Oops, but whatever. I barely listen to my own mother, who says I am going to listen to someone else's?

"Jake is your soon-to-be husband," she said again. My jaw completely dropped, not in a good way.

Boy was I wrong. I thought Caleb/Nick dude was my fiancé!

I cannot believe my luck! I thought I would get the hot, nice guy! However, I get this other dude.

To tell you the truth, he is somewhat hot. If I were not Terri Sanders, I would probably be in love with him.

He had dark messy hair; it looks like he got out of bed on the wrong side. But other than that, it looked well, a turn-on. He had kissable lips (hot), I could see his tone muscles (hot), broad shoulders (hot), and a slight tan (hotter),

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