-Chapter Sixty

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-Hey! Here's your promised chapterr.=]

You'll probably notice that this is not proofread, and i'm sorry. I lied.=[ I saidd thatt Jake was qoinq to be in this chapter, but i couldnt put him in. Not this chapter, because Rebecca is cominq in the next chapter and i want Terri & Rebecca to have their talk before Jake comes ruininq the scene.=]

Merry Christmas by the way !

Facebook Link is in the external link. You shouldd qo 'Like' itt.=]

Chapter Sixty




It felt like I had only been asleep for a few minutes. Time went by fast when you spend half the night thinking about the past and the events that occurred.

I opened my eyes and was greeted by the ray of sunlight that shone through the window. The heat radiated through my window and onto me, warming me up. I noticed that I had a comforter, a quilt, a duvet, and a sheet on top of me. I was, for some reason, still freezing. I wished the Sun was shining on my face, but unfortunately, it was just shining on where my legs were.

I twisted my body, so that I was facing the direction of where my phone was. It was on top of the dresser, which was roughly 10 feet away. I groaned. It was too cold for me to be trying to get that.

I felt stupid for telling Chad to turn the heat. He had turned it up just for me, but then last night, I told him to turn it off because I do not get cold.

What the hell was I thinking?

I sighed. I suddenly started thinking about yesterday. Last night felt like a dream gone bad. It shocked me that all the events that happened had happened in just one day.

However, I am happy for one thing that happened yesterday. Meeting Andrew.

I looked back at my phone, and managed to glare at it. It was so close, yet so far away. I did not want to get out of this warmth for something that was not that important. At the same time, it was important. What if Jake did try to contact me?

I felt my heart leap, but not as it did when I was with Andrew. This leap was just because I was anxious.

I wanted to stretch my arm out, and see if I could make it to the dresser. That thought was quickly shot down because my arm is not around 10 feet long.

I groaned, and turned away from the phone, so that I was facing the door. The door was wide open. That made me shiver, someone could have been seeing me sleep. That is a little creepy. The idea of someone just staring at me, other than Jake, and watching me sleep was unnerving. I wanted to shut the door.

Maybe I could stretch my arm out...

I snorted to myself. The distance from the bed to the door is a lot longer than the distance from the bed to the dresser. I would never be able to make it by extending my arm. I would barely make it halfway.

Maybe if I stretched my leg out...

Well, that is a more sensible idea, but my legs are not that long, so they would not reach.

The most practical idea was to obviously get my lazy butt out of the bed and grab my phone, and then walking around the bed to close the door.

Why did I choose last night to wear shorts and a tank top to bed? I should of at least worn socks! But no. I did not. I must have been extremely tired last night.

I thought about what happened after me and Chad got back to his house. He had told me there was leftover pizza in the refrigerator, and then we went our separate ways. I was still somewhat embarrassed that I accused him of talking to Jake, and Santa Claus, when he was really talking to his girlfriend. We never even got the chance to talk. Which made me upset. I had just ate my cold pizza, I didn't know how to work his microwave so I just decided to skip it, and then told Chad that I was going to bed. But I did not, well, not instantly after I went to the room.

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