-Chapter Fifteen

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1. My name is Terri Sanders. 2. I have an arranged marriage in 7 months. And 3. I'm marrying a Preppy with attitude problems! Just GREAT! Could my life getting any worse! Wait...Don't answer that.

***Hi! How is everyone?? I'm fine btw! I'm soo happy I can post this chapter! So much stuff goes on (sorry no plane trip until next chapter) but u do get to see sme 'secrets' from the room! and sorry Team Preppy fans, but Jaocb isn't nicer in this chapter. He's anything but nice. Sorry!! But i hope u like it anyway!!***

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Chapter Fifteen

In the living room...9:12am...arguing and yelling

Me and Mr. Preppy were yelling insults at each other. Insult after insult after insult. So far, he is winning.

" At least I can maintain a girlfriend, you've probably never even had a boyfriend before! The closest you've ever gotten to a guy was when you were about to get raped!" That hurt that really hurt me. I can't believe he just said that!

" Well, all the girls you've had probably just came for one thing, and one thing only. Se-"

" Excuse me?! At least I've done it before. You're probably just a little old vir-"

" I wish you would call me that I wish you would! I'd rather be that than a pedophile!" He looked shocked when I said that. Shocked as in he couldn't believe that word was in my vocabulary.

" I can't wait until Halloween," I continued, " Going around with you would make all the kids scream!" I said, jumping up in the air, acting like I was excited.

" How many emo kids does it take to screw in a light bulb?" He asked me, " 3. One to replace it, and two to write a poem about how they miss the old one." He smirked at me. I stopped jumping.

" I am NOT emo!!" I yelled at him. I bet my face is as red as an apple. Jocks at my old high school, Winter Lake High, made jokes about me being 'emo' and 'goth' thousands of times. But Mr. Preppy keeps hitting some nerve in my body. And I'm getting sick and tired of this bullcrap!

" Yeah right," he said rolling his eyes.

I tried to think of something too say but it was hard. He got me stuck in a box! It's like he knows my weaknesses. I hope he doesn't mention my cuts, or he'll have a black eye and a bruised leg. I grant it.

Finally, I thought of something witty to say.

" Emo. Lets break it down. E is for Education, what you lack. M is for Monkey, the creature your mom fu**ed to make you. O is for OH snap, which is what you is gonna say when I leave." I said, smiling. Wow, that took a lot of courage to say something like that. I could feel my face going back to normal. I think I'm winning this battle. I hope I am.

Mr. Preppy stood by the staircase, just staring at me. Well, not staring, glaring.

" I wish I could see things from your point of view, but I can't seem to get my head that far up my a**.' I told him, glaring right back at him.

" Sl*t," he said softly. I guess he was expecting me not to hear him but he's big mouth makes it hard for me not to hear.

" I'd rather be that then be your sl*t." I said to him. I turned and walked away.

I knew getting together with a preppy would be a disaster. Him and me are TWO different people. I like black, dark stuff, sad poems, cutting (when I'm depressed or sad only), and...black! Well, Mr. Preppy, likes sl*uts, h*es, Hollister, A.E., Victoria Secret, pink, purple, and...did I mention sl*ts?

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