-Chapter Fifty~Five [Jake's POV]

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1. My name is Terri Sanders. 2. I have an arranged marriage in seven months. And 3. I'm marrying a Preppy with attitude problems! Just GREAT! Could my life get any worse! Wait...Don't answer that.


So, just to let you know, this chapter is before chapter 56..lol.& yeahh, I dropped out of the November Novel thinqy. This month, I have been reading nonstop.=] it's National Reading Month for me.=]

Any recommendations for books?.=]

Lol, so, anywhoo, enjoy the story!.


p.s. you will notice thatt both Jake & Terri's POV are different. there are some similarities, but different scenarios are happeninq. you'll notice them when you read the chapter.=]


Chapter Fifty Five






(-)Jake's POV(-)



~They are already at school and Terri has walked off with Carlos~


Alex and Jonathan started pulled me away from Terri. I gave her a goodbye kiss and left with them.

Before we were even 10 feet away, Alex started breaking the news to me. "Do you know what people are saying about Kara?" I didn't even have time to respond before he began talking again. "They're saying that she has STDs."

I froze, and looked at Alex. I stopped dead in my tracks. "What?"

"STDs? Sexually...Transmitted...Disease?"

"I know what it stands for, but are you serious?"

"That's the word around the school. Someone said they had sex with Kara and when they went to the doctors, they had a test result that said they had STDs," Jonathan said. I looked over to him. Now I knew for sure that this wasn't some kind of joke. Jonathan doesn't joke like that.

Especially since this is my ex-girlfriend were talking about.

"When did they start spreading this rumor?" I asked.

"Well, I'm not sure. I just heard about it today. But the person who started the rumor also mentioned that he last slept with her...about 5 months ago."

That was when me and Kara were still doing our off-and-on again relationship. That was before Terri had came along.

"So, your telling me this because...?" I asked, not wanting to hear the answer.

"I've known you for forever. And dude, before you even think about sleeping with Terri, you should go get yourself tested," Jonathan said. He patted my back. "I'm just trying to look out for you."

I scoffed his arm off. "I know Kara, and I know that this little rumor...is just a rumor."

"Jake, and I'm just going an a whim, but do you really want to take your chances with someone that slept with half of the male population at this school? Do you really want to take that chance and give Terri some disease that would make her hate your guts forever? You love her, right? Do you really want to lose her over something that stupid. Just be a man and go get tested," he demanded the last part.

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