-Chapter Fifty~Seven

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Chapter Fifty-Seven



 Hey! I told you i'd upload on the weekend.=]

I can't believe i FINALLY finished this chapter! I stayed up late to finish it. I just needed to for my fans.=] Sorry it took me so lonq thouqh! Forqive me please.lol.

Enjoy this chapter. Read ; Vote ; Comment. ♥

p.s. somethinq is kind of goofy with Wattpad, and the whole chapter got italized but the words that were originally italized are in regular format [if that makes sense. =P]

p.s.s. comments make my day.hehe.

p.s.s.s. I finally found a picture for Chad!! Comment your opinions.=]





When I stepped outside, it was raining a little bit harder than before. However, it did not faze me. I actually enjoyed the rain.

Have you ever cried in the rain?

Letting the rain wash away your teardrops so it does not look like you are crying, but just the rain falling on your face?

Well, that is exactly what I was doing.

My tears are blending in with the raindrops. No one, but me, knew that I was crying.

I did not want to cry...I do not want to cry... but...it felt like I had to. Let all the tears of pain out of my system.

Crying is good for the body.

So they say...

I sniffled, and wiped some of the tears, onto my sweater sleeve. I could tell which ones were tears, and which ones were the rain droplets.

I cannot believe I am doing this. I cannot believe that I am crying over a boy!

Who would have guessed?

I know Jake is not just a boy; he is my 'arranged fiancé' to be exact. When he and I first came together, he was the person that I would have never thought I would be in love with. He was a bipolar jerk that teased me and laughed at my despair.

Who am I kidding? I feel like a hypocrite for thinking this, but it I knew I would soon have feelings for him. I would be spending 24/7 with him!

I expected it, but did I expect to fall head over heels for him? I did not think I would! He was, and still is, a big, fat, arrogant preppy jerk!

I knew what I was getting myself into ahead of time. He was a, for lack of a better word, a man-whore. Breaking girl's hearts left to right. He had tons of girls on his phone.

In addition, he was probably still grieving over his dead girlfriend, Georgina. That probably triggered the man-whore in him. I wonder what would of happened if Georgina had somehow survived the pregnancy; the baby as well.

What would have happened then? Would I be the stepmother? Would Jake and I even get married? Would I have even liked Jake?

I shook my head, trying to get rid of the thoughts of Georgina. Gosh, I did not want to think about her right now.

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