-Chapter Seventeen

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1. My name is Terri Sanders. 2. I have an arranged marriage in 7 months. And 3. I'm marrying a Preppy with attitude problems! Just GREAT! Could my life get any worse! Wait...Don't answer that.

OMFG! i have over 120 fans! and over 600 votes!!!!!! and im on page 3 of the what's hott list!!! I FREAKING LOVE you guys!!! I never would have made it without you!!! thank u thank u thank u!!

I made this chapter longer and thats why it took so long. And my mom wont let me go on her laptop every day so its harder for me to update the chapters. sorry though. If i cant post again this weekend, I'll post next week between monday-wednesday! and i have an 2:05early dismissal on friday (not tomorrow, next week) for christmas break!! Yay! christmas! hopeful I'll get a laptop of my own and i can upload like every two days!

Well, i'll stop talking and u get to reading! I had got 66 votes on my last chapter (that is unbelivable) so is it to much to ask for 40 votes? plz? I know its a huge step from 20 but i need time to make my next chapter so...






Chapter Seventeen

***Plane trip***

" Ready to takeoff."

Did I tell you that I am scared of planes too? Well, I am. Ever since the crash.

My uncle and aunt died in a plane accident five years ago. The plane had a rusty engine and it broke when they were above water. My uncle drowned, his body was found floating in the water, and my aunt died because a piece of the plane was in her stomach. A wing from the plane actually. They even have pictures of her with the plane piece in her. It was a horrific time in my family's life. They had two kids, Jackie, 9 at the time, and Peter, 13 at the time. They stayed with us for a month or so and then went to live with our grandparents. I haven't spoken to that side of the family in awhile, me and them were close but ever since the accident we've kept our distance.

I haven't gotten in a plane since. I rather take a long ride trip then be in a airplane HIGH above ground.

I felt the plane slowly moving. I gripped the armrests and closed my eyes. I felt like I was being pushed up against my seat. Like a roller coaster, going high and higher up.

Breathe, just breathe, I told myself. I'm not going to die; I'm not going to die.

" Hey, Terri, are you okay?" I opened my eyes. Jacob was right in my face. I could smell his breath. Minty fresh. At least I know he brushes his teeth.

" Y-yeah. I'm perfect!" I lied. I let go of the armrests and rubbed my hands together.

I could feel my body shaking; I hope Jacob didn't notice it. I rubbed my hands all over my arms. Something didn't feel right. I looked down at my arm. Goosebumps, check. Arm hairs sticking straight up, check. Bandages, not check? Where are my band-aids?? My cuts are all exposed! I put my hands over them. When did my band-aids slip off?

I looked back at Jacob. He continued speaking; thankfully he didn't notice my cuts. " Then why were you trying to cut off the circulation of my arm?"

What was he talking about? I furrowed my eyebrows at him.

" What are you talking about?" I asked him. He pointed down. What is with the pointing?? Can't he just tell me and get it over with??

I looked down at the armrest on his side. Well, at least now I know what he was pointing at. His arm was lying on the armrest. Great. Just great. I was gripping his arm instead of the armrest. I can't believe I mistaken his arm as an armrest!

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