-Chapter Eight {Threatening People is Not Nice}

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Used to be: 1. My name is Terri Sanders. 2. I have an arranged marriage in 7 months. And 3. I'm marrying a Preppy with attitude problems!

[o1.o1.11] I am in the process of editing! So please don't correct me on grammer and the occassional **. Thank you.=] You will notice the difference from my editing and the old chapters.=]


Chapter Eight

-Threatening People is Not Nice-




My chin and forehead were covered with minor cuts that were barely visible. My hands took the damage instead of my face. But, to my surprise, they were cleaned off and now just left with tiny cuts and scratches. I touched it and I cringed. They still stung. My arms did not get that many cuts, due to the fast that I was wearing a sweater. Thankfully.

I slowly scrunched up my pants leg, where I felt the most pain and gasped. There was dried up blood around a bandage at on my shin. I gasped because I did not like blood, and seeing dry blood was just as bad as seeing blood. I was relieved to see the bandage on my leg. I am happy for not being able to see the gash I probably have.

I cannot believe my jeans did not protect me like they should of. Rip-off.

I did not dare mess with the bandage. I just left it there, pulling my pant leg back down over the bandage.

I heard a faint knocking on the door. I limped over to it and cracked it open.

"Yes?" I asked. I was not looking up to see who it was. I was trying to fix my pants back to the way there were before.

"Are you okay?"

I froze. I slowly looked up to see Chad.

"Y-yeah, I'm g-good." Why am I stuttering? I should not be stuttering!

"Oh, I thought my brother did something bad to you," he said, before shrugging his shoulders and turning away.

"W-what do you mean? Why would Mr. Prep- I mean Jacob, do something bad to me?" I did not want to say Mr. Preppy. That is my name for him. No one else should know about that...well, except for Jake.

I cannot believe I started stuttering again.

Chad turned back to me, still wearing that leather jacket. I could see at the bottom some red stuff. I felt my cheeks getting warm.

"He was angry just a second ago. I think I heard some glass breaking," Chad said nonchalantly.

I gasped. Did I really hurt his feelings? He should have known I was playing with him. I punched him not more than 4 hours ago! I do not recover that fast. He even admitted to me being a tease, so he shouldn't of gotten that mad...right? I was just a tease to him.

Also, according to him, 'Who wants to marry a girl who cuts herself?' Therefore, he should not like me.

I do not care if he was throwing stuff. Well, I do care...I hope he cleans it up because I really do not want to have glass in my foot. I already had a razorblade stab my toe.

"Hello? Anybody in there?" Chad was still standing in front of me and knocking on my head. I hit his hand and laughed.

"Yeah, just thinking."

"Well, okay. I have to go. I'll see you in New York?" He said slowly walking backwards, away from the door.

"Okay," I said, closing the door. I wanted to ask where he was going, but that would have been stalker-ish. Instead, I grabbed a paper towel off the rack and wetted it. I decided to wipe the dry blood off my leg.

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