-Chapter Fifrty~Four

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1. My name is Terri Sanders. 2. I have an arranged marriage in seven months. And 3. I'm marrying a Preppy with attitude problems! Just GREAT! Could my life get any worse! Wait...Don't answer that.

heyy, so i meantt to upload this last niqht, but it was like 11pm and i didn't think anybody woukd be awake to read it. lol.

so here itt is. chapter 54. =]

&& thank youu for all the happy birthdays! it made me smile!. =]

enjoyy this chapterr! =]

p.s. its justt a filler chapter!. & the endinq of Jake's birthday. next chapter will probably focus more on their school life.


Chapter Fifty-Four

I was already upstairs and just so happened to look out the window as Jake finally emerged from the water.

He was dripping wet. Some of his hair got wet, not all of it. Which is a good thing because he has chemicals in his hair. It was mostly his clothes and face.

I cradled my iPod in my hands. "It's okay, Touchie. I won't let that bad o'l Jake touch you ever again." I walked into my room and put my iPod in my pillowcase. Jake will probably never think to look in there.

As I was putting my iPod in the pillowcase, I heard the sound of a door opening and water being squished. Well, it looks like Jake is inside the house now. I think I might be scared. This is the second time Jake has fallen into the water. And it's all because of me.

On the other hand, last time, he threatened me and we ended up kissing. And Maddie and Chad walked in on us. But then again, I don't think this time will be like last time. Last time, Jake probably knew he had it coming. Maybe it dawned on him that I could pull him into the water after he stuck his hand out.

But this time. It was really unexpected. But, it was payback for almost killing my precious baby iPod. Who does Jake think he is? The Electronic Killer??

Well, I can be the Bone Crusher and crush every...little...bone in his freaking hand.

Ha, that'll teach his preppy ass not to mess with me or my iPod.

I heard slow footsteps come up the stairs. Those slow-squishing-water footsteps that told me Jake was now walking up the stairs.

I don't know what I should do. Hide or go out and act tough.

I chose the latter.

I made sure my iPod wasn't visible at all before I made my way back to the hall. I stood in the middle of the hallway, waiting for Jake to round the corner of the stairs and see me.

When he finally managed to saunter his way up here, his eyes fixture onto me.

"That was really unnecessarily," Jake said as he looked at me.

"Well, no one said you had to come in my room and grab a prized possession."

"Well, I wouldn't have had to do that if you hadn't dyed my hair black."

"You had it coming. I'm surprise you didn't think something bad would happen to you on your birthday."

Jake glared at me. Of course, I should of expected the glare coming.

"I can apologize for pushing you into the water, but not about the hair thing," I said, with a huge grin on my face. He was still sexy Jake. He should actually be trying to style his hair. But no, he is over here arguing with me.

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