-Chapter Sixty~Two

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So, a couple of things I want to say.

First; I meant to upload this early, but I was busy with getting my har dyed. So I couldn't do it until now.

Second; I made the volleyball team! Again! If you are one of my olddddddd fans, then you'll remember last year that I made it then too. I'm happy that I made it again! Eeep! =]

Third; What do you think of the new story cover? I made it myself.=] There's a ring on the girl's hand, and I thought it'd be perfect, since this is an arranged marriage story.=]

Fourth; Thank you all who read my short story! I loved all the comments! I'll probably delete that on Tuesday, because that's when I'm turning in my entry. I only uploaded it to get feedback and help with some stuff I mentioned.=] Thanks Ashe-Simon for the medical information in the story.=]

Fifth; on the last chapter, I got a comment that said what the theme song to this story should be.=] I will be posting a video for that in the next chapter. Because I agree that their life is like that song. The song in this video is a song that I thought matched this chapter. Even if you aren't a fan of Miley Cyrus, listen to the lyrics in the song. It's a good song.

Sixth; Well, there is no sixth, I just wanted to waste your time.=] Thanks for reading all of this, if you did!

Hope you like this chapter! It's shorter than other recent chapters. And it's pretty much just a filler chapter.

Comment? Vote? Comment? =]

p.s. Facebook page is in the external link.=]


Chapter Sixty-Two






"Why didn't you tell me to read the whole message?" I asked Chad.

It was late, around 10pm, when I arrived back to Chad's house. I had spent some extra time with Rebecca, going over what I would do now. Then, I spent some time with Andrew. I did not want to consider him as my driver, so I hung out with him. He drove me home after, and now here I am, in my current spot, talking to Chad about the text message from Jake.

"I don't know," he said, shrugging his shoulders. He turned back to the TV, where I had left him this morning. I take it that he has not really left his spot all-day, probably only to go to the bathroom and get food. He was still in the clothes he wore this morning, a gray t-shirt and pajama pants.

"I was so mad at Jake, thinking he didn't even care about me and in reality, he did! But you did not tell me to read it! It's your fault!"

I did not want to yell, but I was really close to it. Since I am just a guest in his house. I did not want to yell at him. All I wanted to do was show him how angry I was at him. After all that was said and done, if he would of just showed me the message, I probably wouldn't even had to go see Rebecca, or say how much I hated Jake and want to get over him.

Not looking away from the TV, he said, "I'm sorry."

I sighed, knowing that I was not going to get a real conversation out of him. Due to the fact that he was too engrossed into the TV. "It's okay."

He turned to look at me. "At least you know the truth."

"But, when I was talking to Rebecca, I mentioned that it said forward at the top. Who would send Jake that kind of forward message?" I asked, frowning. Rebecca could not give me a clear answer, even though she claimed that she was a genius. Maybe Chad could give me something.

:Terri and Jake Chronicles [Book #1]Where stories live. Discover now