-Chapter Fifty~Five [Terri's POV]

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1. My name is Terri Sanders. 2. I have an arranged marriage in seven months. And 3. I'm marrying a Preppy with attitude problems! Just GREAT! Could my life get any worse! Wait...Don't answer that.

okkay, so the first upload obviously didn't work. which freakinq sucks!. but whatever.


im sorry itt took me a month to finally upload this!.please forqive me! i'll try to upload sooner next time!. school is just hetic for me right now. hate the beqinninq of the school year.lol.

& dontt hate me for this endinq! i think i mentioned to someone this kind of thinq wouldnt happen, but i wanted to do it. & it'll lead to a qood endinq!.=] but the next few chapters will probably be sad in a way. sorry for that.lol.

& i see you can now make covers for the stories..so i was wonderinq, does anyone want to make a cover for this story? you don't have to, but i would absolutely love it. anywhos, this chapter was inspired by the idea from a fan of mine. & a sonq that i love. haha, everytime i post a new chapter, i always find a band that i love. lol. but i'm in love with The Maine.lol. fave sonqs by them? The one that's on the side & Whoever She Is.=]

sooo, enough with my talkinq, enjoy the chapter!!! comments are enjoyed!.

p.s. i almost forqot, how do you like the pictures of Terri?? okay? bad? qood? @SammiiSaurus is the one who qave me the link for Terri.=], thankk you aqain!.


{look back att chapter 54}

As I was catching my breath, I got a whiff of something sweet, and chocolatey.

My cookies!

I pushed by Jake, and grabbed an oven mitt. I turned the oven off and opened it up. "Here's another birthday present for you," I told him. I took the pan of cookies out of the oven. "Bon appetit," I said.

Jake turned around and looked at the cookies. "Thank goodness your cookies didn't burn like my cake," Jake mumbled.

I laughed. "That just shows that I'm a better cook than you," I said.

I grabbed a cookie and took a bite out of it.

"Delicioso," Jake said. I didn't even notice he had taken a cookie.

"Only one cookie," I told him.

"It's my birthday."

"Yeah, you can cry all you want. It's your birthday," I told him. "I made the cookies. The chef gets the most."

"Well, the chef still owes someone big time."

"Not this chef," I told him.

I grabbed a napkin and put all 8 of the cookies that were left onto the napkin. I folded it up and made a mad dash out of the kitchen. I starting running up the stairs when I heard Jake's voice.

"Give me back my cookies!"

"No thank you," I laughed.

I accidentally turned into Jake's room instead of running the extra 2 seconds into mine. How stupid am I for that?

I sat the cookies down on Jake's dresser and closed the door. I leaned my back on it.

"Terri!" I heard Jake yell. I tried putting most of my weight onto the door. I felt a sudden push and made me jump.

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