-Chapter Forty~Nine

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1. My name is Terri Sanders. 2. I have an arranged marriage in 7 months. And 3. I'm marrying a Preppy with attitude problems! Just GREAT! Could my life get any worse! Wait...Don't answer that.

hey..okay, let me stat this before i qet loads of complaints.

1. yes, i am draqinq the 'Dawn kidnapped' scene on. but without that, the story just wont be riqht! i mentioned before this is NOT your typical arranqed marriaqe story. many twists & turns.

2. i know y'all want more jake&terri romance scenes. but that wouldnt help with the story. aqain, this is not your typical arranqed marriaqe. the prince doesnt always fall in love with the princess. shesh, they met 2 months aqo..well, 3. qive it time. soo dont yell at me about the romance.:P [i wanted to stat that becuz i bet i'll qet complaints about this chapter]

3. you know Terri & Jake have arquements over little thinqz..soo, aqain, that's why there isnt that much romance.

anyways...enjoy this chapter! :)

p.s. this chapter speeds up alot so when you see --- it means time has been fast forwarded:)

p.p.s. please forqive me for all the cursinq in this chapter. i feel ashamed. :l


previous on chapter 48...

" Well, what Jake had originally called for was that he had wanted Joshua's address," I said, putting emphasis on Jake's name.

And thank heavens (I don't say that often) Melanie changed the subject. I probably would have forgotten what I called for.

Which would have been really bad. This is the information I had wanted in the beginning.

I could hear the suspicion in her voice. " Why?"

My eyes grew big. Why? She asks why?? I'm not going to tell her that her exboyfriend kidnapped my best friend and is going to rape her.

Maybe I should tell her, I think she would go to the police.

But I don't want the police to be involved. This is quite technically me and Joshua's battle. He came for me. Not for Jake. And not for Dawn. For me.

And if it's me he wants, it's me he's going to get...

Whether Jake likes it or not.


Chapter Forty-Nine

" No."

" But Jake-"

" No."

" Jake, list-"

" Terri. You are not going there alone."

" Yes, I am-"

" Over my dead body you are!"

I crossed my arms over my chest.

Me and Jake were in his room, and I had accidentally said that I was going to get Dawn by myself. Bad move on my part. But Jake had pretty much made me say it. He was bragging. And I just blurted out, ' At least I get to go get Dawn by myself.'

Yeah, bad move.

" Well, then it looks like I'm going to need a knife so I can kill you."

Jake glared at me. " You are not going to save Dawn alone. We are a team."

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