-Chapter Forty~One

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1. My name is Terri Sanders. 2. I have an arranged marriage in 7 months. And 3. I'm marrying a Preppy with attitude problems! Just GREAT! Could my life get any worse! Wait...Don't answer that.

Heyy fans...sorry for the lonqq wait..thankkz for beinqq patient!! you quyz rockk!

i had to help my mom with my new baby brother :)

anyway...i hope you likk this chapter!


Chapter Forty-One

School...10:17am (Friday)...Break

Dawn cursed so many bad things that if a teacher was around, she'd surely get a detention, maybe 2 or 3. I have never heard so many cuss words coming from a girl's mouth before. Maybe my mouth, but no one else.

" There she is. I am so going to kill her. For you and for me," Dawn said with her hands in fists.

She was obviously talking about Kara. Not Monica.

And now you're in for a shock of your life...me and Monica are actually on good terms! Believe it or not, it's the truth.

She actually talked to me yesterday. She apologized for Kara's rudeness. Funny, Kara should have been the one apologizing. But anyway, she also apologized for calling me a West Coast hoe. I didn't apologize for anything (because I bet she really is an East Coast slut). She apologized for some other things as well. She seems like a nice girl, emphasizes on the seems.

" Dawn, calm down," I said, putting reassuring hands on my friend's shoulders.

" Do you know what that bitch did to my locker?!" She said with clenched teeth. I don't think I really want to know, but I shook my head. " She spray painted 'LESBO FREAK' inside my locker. And on the outside she spray painted 'BEWARE OF THE HOMOSEXUAL ALIEN'. I am not a lesbian! Nor will I ever be!"

Wow, that was a little harsh for Kara to do. And I thought Kara was just a sweet girl. But after the spaghetti incident, that changed. And now, the Dawn incident, that changed every opinion I had about her. Kara reminds me of a hoe name, as well as Hailey.

" Don't worry, we'll get her back," I said to Dawn. Where was Jared?? He could calm Dawn down better than I could!

" Can we do it now??"

" No!" I said automatically.

" Why not??" Dawn questioned.

" Because..." I didn't have any good reason. Crap.

But luckily, I didn't have to say anything because Ryan sauntered over to us. We were standing under 'their' tree. This tree had Jared, Ryan, and Dawn's name written all over it. Yes, I mean that literally. I have yet to add my name on to this tree. But I will in time.

" What's up, my ladies?" Ryan asked us. He put an arm around my shoulders. He was going to put one around Dawn's but she was bright red, in anger, and she had 'leave me alone' written all over her face.

" Hey," I said to Ryan.

I watched Dawn begin to pace. She was also whispering things...ideas. I had a feeling she was talking about revenge things. Too bad I already have one.

" What's wrong with her?" Ryan asked gesturing to Dawn.

" Oh, she has the word lesbian and stuff written on her locker," I explained in short to Ryan.

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