-Chapter Twenty [Part One]

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1. My name is Terri Sanders. 2. I have an arranged marriage in 7 months. And 3. I'm marrying a Preppy with attitude problems! Just GREAT! Could my life get any worse! Wait...Don't answer that.

Hey! i promised i'd have this chapter up before the 4th!! yay! i kept my promise!! And just so u know, i didnt get to put the part of terri talking to greg or the wardrobe change or the not-so romantic dinner. But i did inculde the makeover!! yay! lol

well hope u like this chapter. plz vote and comment!!

and thx for 112 votes on the first chapter! and then over 100 votes on the past 3 chapters!! that was amazing! andd over 200 fans!! i luv all u fans!!! message me if u want! and, again, im trying to look at all ur guys stories, its hard though. sooo, i'll try too! dont worrry!!


Chapter Twenty PART I

The mall...12:01pm...going to get a makeover...

oh no!

After me and Jake finished cleaning the milk spill, Jake told me to come and get dressed so we can go to the mall. I was getting a new wardrobe! And a makeover...crap.

I'd rather go on my own time. And all I need is the black hair dye kit and I'm all good.

Maybe I could have purple streaks this time. Maybe red streaks. The blue was not working out too good.

***Flashback to 3 hours ago***

I finished wiping the milk while Jacob went to the bathroom. He barely cleaned up anything! He had only used one napkin!

Some help.

I cleaned up the area where Jacob was supposed to clean up. If he had used one more napkin, he would have been done. He is so lazy!

As I was wiping up the area, I got hit with a whiff of something nasty. I covered my nose. It was starting to smell like...sour milk.

I rolled my eyes at that mental comment and unplugged my nose. No duh it was smelling like sour milk. The milk's been out in open for over a half an hour.

I was almost down with the area when the napkin slipped out of my fingers.

I groaned and bent down to pick it up.

I stopped halfway down and my eyes went big.

I had COMPLETELY forgotten I had ONLY Jacob's shirt on. And it wasn't THAT long. And it showed more stuff then should be seen.

Now I guess you see why Jacob looked guilty earlier, Mary told me.

I slowly straightened myself upright again and tried to pull Jake's shirt down farther. I didn't care that I was stretching his shirt up. He ruined my clothes, I can ruin his.

As I was doing that, I heard a door open and footsteps following that. I stopped pulling down the shirt, trying to pretend like I didn't care that my body was exposed.

" Hey Jake?" I yelled out to Jacob. I really needed some clothes. I couldn't walk around wearing...this!

" Huh?" He asked, turning into the kitchen area where I was. I didn't look up at him until I started talking.

" I need some clothes if we go anywhere." I muttered under my breath, " Since you're stupid a** drowned my clothes."

Jacob walked up beside me and I guess he didn't hear me because he didn't acknowledge me in anyway.

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