-Chapter Six {Gambling is a Bad Thing To Do, Kids}

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Used to be: 1. My name is Terri Sanders. 2. I have an arranged marriage in 7 months. And 3. I'm marrying a Preppy with attitude problems! 

[o1.o1.11] . I am in the process of editing! So please don't correct me on grammer and the occassional **. Thank you.=] You will notice the difference from my editing and the old chapters.=]


Chapter Six

-Gambling is a Bad Thing To Do, Kids-





I still can't believe my parents are making me marry him, I hate Mr. Preppy's guts! He is so immature. I hate that I have to marry him. My parents were very stupid when they were younger.



(1 Hour Ago; Flashback)


Mr. Preppy's family was rushing me out the house, but I made them wait outside. I wanted to talk to my parents first.

"Mom," I turned my head to my dad, "Dad? Could you two come to the kitchen with me, please?"

I started walking to the kitchen. I hope that when I turned back around they would be behind me. They were.

"Yes?" My mom spoke up when we entered the kitchen.

"Tell me something, how did this whole marriage take place?" I asked.

Marriage is supposed to be with someone you love.

Do I love Mr. Preppy?


My mother and father shifted uncomfortably.

"Well?" I asked, my voice raising a volume higher.

"Um, when me and your father were young kids," my mother started.

"We did some bad things," my father said after.

They did an I-say-this-then-you-say-that kind of thing.

"Very bad things."

"Things we shouldn't be mentioning here."

"Because you might wind up doing them."

"And you can get in big trouble for these things." I was annoyed. They are talking to me like I'm 10. I'm 17. I am going to be a legal adult in a few days

"Okay! I get it! You people did some bad things that I should not do. But please, get on with the story. People are waiting for me outside," I did not mean to say the last part. It just slipped out. I do not care about the people waiting for me. Not at all.

My mother continued after about ten seconds, "When I was 16, and your dad was 17, we started to gambling at this high school party," my mother said. They started the rotation thing again.

"We decided to take our chances against Frank Dawson, the best of the best," my dad said, frowning.

"We lost, big time, and we didn't bring enough money to pay him. So we made a deal. Our second born daughter would marry his second born son. We went to court and even got a legalized document of it," my mother said, sadness in her voice.

I remembered my sister, when my mom brought up the daughter part. My sister, Rebecca Sanders, is 3 years older than I am. Making her 21. Even though it seems like its 4 years, my birthday is coming up, so it is only 3 years. She had moved to Europe when she turned 18, become the age to do whatever she wanted. She left with her boyfriend, leaving me alone with these people I have to call my parents. I have not talked to her since she left, but I never really talked to her when she was here. She was not my type of person; she was a prep-ster. Just like Mr. Preppy.

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